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Calculation of Probabilities and Moments for the Generalized Logistic Item Response Model


Calculation of probabilities and moments for the generalized logistic item response model (Stukel, 1988).


pgenlogis(x, alpha1=0, alpha2=0)

genlogis.moments(alpha1, alpha2)





Upper tail parameter α_1 in the generalized logistic item response model. The default is 0.


Lower tail parameter α_2 parameter in the generalized logistic item response model. The default is 0.


The class of generalized logistic link functions contain the most important link functions using the specifications (Stukel, 1988):

  • logistic link function L:

    L(x) \approx G_{ ( α_1=0, α_2=0)}[ x ]

  • probit link function Φ:

    Φ(x) \approx G_{ ( α_1=0.165, α_2=0.165)}[ 1.47 x ]

  • loglog link function H:

    H(x) \approx G_{ (α_1=-0.037, α_2=0.62)}[ -0.39+1.20x-0.007x^2]

  • cloglog link function H:

    H(x) \approx G_{ ( α_1=0.62, α_2=-0.037)}[ 0.54+1.64x+0.28x^2+0.046x^3]


Vector of probabilities or moments


Stukel, T. A. (1988). Generalized logistic models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83(402), 426-431. doi: 10.1080/01621459.1988.10478613


sirt::pgenlogis( x=c(-.3, 0, .25, 1 ), alpha1=0, alpha2=.6 )
  ##   [1] 0.4185580 0.5000000 0.5621765 0.7310586

# compare link functions
x <- seq( -3,3, .1 )

# logistic link
y <- sirt::pgenlogis( x, alpha1=0, alpha2=0 )
plot( x, stats::plogis(x), type="l", main="Logistic Link", lwd=2)
points( x, y, pch=1, col=2 )

# probit link
round( sirt::genlogis.moments( alpha1=.165, alpha2=.165 ), 3 )
  ##       M    SD   Var
  ##   0.000 1.472 2.167
# SD of generalized logistic link function is 1.472
y <- sirt::pgenlogis( x * 1.47, alpha1=.165, alpha2=.165 )
plot( x, stats::pnorm(x), type="l", main="Probit Link", lwd=2)
points( x, y, pch=1, col=2 )

# loglog link
y <- sirt::pgenlogis( -.39 + 1.20*x -.007*x^2, alpha1=-.037, alpha2=.62 )
plot( x, exp( - exp( -x ) ), type="l", main="Loglog Link", lwd=2,
    ylab="loglog(x)=exp(-exp(-x))" )
points( x, y, pch=17, col=2 )

# cloglog link
y <- sirt::pgenlogis( .54+1.64*x +.28*x^2 + .046*x^3, alpha1=.062, alpha2=-.037 )
plot( x, 1-exp( - exp(x) ), type="l", main="Cloglog Link", lwd=2,
    ylab="loglog(x)=1-exp(-exp(x))" )
points( x, y, pch=17, col=2 )


Supplementary Item Response Theory Models

GPL (>= 2)
Alexander Robitzsch [aut,cre] (<>)
Initial release
2021-09-22 17:45:34

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