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Radiocarbon in Irish oak


These data record high precision measurements of radiocarbon on Irish oak, used to construct a calibration curve.

The variables are:

Rc.age age predicted from the radiocarbon dating process
Precision a measure of precision of the dating process
Cal.age true calendar age

Pearson & Qua (1993). High precision 14Cmeasurement of Irish oaks to show the natural 14C variations from AD 1840 - 5000 BC: a correction. Radiocarbon 35, 105-123.


Smoothing Methods for Nonparametric Regression and Density Estimation

GPL (>= 2)
Adrian Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini. Ported to R by B. D. Ripley <> up to version 2.0, version 2.1 by Adrian Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini, version 2.2 by Adrian Bowman.
Initial release

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