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Virtual factor for multivariate responses


In a multivariate-response model fitted by fitmv, one may wish to fit a random-coefficient term appearing in s submodels, that is a random effect with realized values for each of these submodels and each group, with values possibly correlated among submodels within groups. Hence one might wish to specify it as a term of the form (<submodel>|group), where <submodel> would represent a factor for the s submodels. But the data are not expected to contain a factor for these submodels, so such a syntax would not work without substantial data reshaping. Instead, this effect can be stated as mv(...) where the ... are the indices of the submodels here the random effect appears. For example if submodels 2 and 3 include this random-coefficient term, the term can be specified as (mv(2,3)|group).

The mv(...) expression is treated as a factor for all purposes, meaning or example that (0+mv(2,3)|group) can also be used, leading (as for any factor) to an alternative parametrization of the same random-coefficient model (see Examples). The random-effect term is treated as a random-coefficient term for all purposes, meaning for example that fixed values can be specified for it using the ranCoefs syntax (see Examples).


# mv(...)



Indices of all the submodels where the random effect involving this virtual factor appears.


Not a function, hence no return value. In the summary of the fit, levels for the different submodels s within each group are labelled .mvs.


if (spaMM.getOption("example_maxtime")>1.1) {
## data preparation
me <- fitme(y ~ 1+(1|batch), family=Gamma(log), data=wafers, fixed=list(lambda=0.2))

wafers$y1 <- simulate(me, type="marginal")
wafers$y2 <- simulate(me, type="marginal")

## fits
(fitmv1 <- fitmv(
  submodels=list(mod1=list(formula=y1~X1+(mv(1,2)|batch), family=Gamma(log)),
                 mod2=list(formula=y2~X1+(mv(1,2)|batch), family=Gamma(log))), 
# alternative '0+' parametrization of the same model:
(fitmv2 <- fitmv(
  submodels=list(mod1=list(formula=y1~X1+(0+mv(1,2)|batch), family=Gamma(log)),
                 mod2=list(formula=y2~X1+(0+mv(1,2)|batch), family=Gamma(log))), 
# relationship between the *correlated* effects of the two fits
ranef(fitmv2)[[1]][,2]-rowSums(ranef(fitmv1)[[1]]) # ~ 0

# fit with given correlation parameter: 
update(fitmv2, fixed=list(ranCoefs=list("1"=c(NA,-0.5,NA)))) 


Mixed-Effect Models, with or without Spatial Random Effects

François Rousset [aut, cre, cph] (<>), Jean-Baptiste Ferdy [aut, cph], Alexandre Courtiol [aut] (<>), GSL authors [ctb] (src/gsl_bessel.*)
Initial release

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