Northern Los Angeles County Fires
Wildfire occurrences in Northern Los Angeles County, California
between 1976 and 2000. The spatial units are in scaled feet, taken
from the NAD 83 state-plane coordinate system. One unit is equivalent
to 100,000 feet or 18.9 miles. The times for the points were produced
by the date
package and represent the number of days since
January 1, 1960.
A data frame with 313 observations with day of occurrence, x and y coordinates.
Roger Peng, taken from (non-CRAN) package ptproc,
example code by Roger Bivand.
data(fires) fires$X <- fires$X*100000 fires$Y <- fires$Y*100000 library(sp) coordinates(fires) <- c("X", "Y") proj4string(fires) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2229 +ellps=GRS80") dates <- as.Date("1960-01-01")+(fires$Time-1) Fires <- STIDF(as(fires, "SpatialPoints"), dates, data.frame(time=fires$Time)) if (require(rgdal)) { library(maptools) library(mapdata) m <- map("county", "california", xlim=c(-119.1, -117.5), ylim=c(33.7, 35.0), plot=FALSE) cc <- spTransform(map2SpatialLines(m, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84")), CRS("+init=epsg:2229 +ellps=GRS80")) plot(cc, xlim=c(6300000, 6670000), ylim=c(1740000, 2120000)) plot(slot(Fires, "sp"), pch=3, add=TRUE) stplot(Fires, sp.layout=list("sp.lines", cc)) }
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