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Colour Sequences with Uniform Perceptual Contrast


A collection of 41 different sequences of colours, each sequence having a uniform perceptual contrast over its whole range. These sequences make very good colour maps which avoid introducing artefacts when displaying image data.




A hyperframe with the following columns:

linear Logical: whether the sequence is linear.
diverging Logical: whether the sequence is diverging.
rainbow Logical: whether the sequence is a rainbow.
cyclic Logical: whether the sequence is cyclic.
isoluminant Logical: whether the sequence is isoluminant.
ternary Logical: whether the sequence is ternary.
colsig Character: colour signature (see Details)
l1, l2 Numeric: lightness parameters
chro Numeric: average chroma (percent)
n Numeric: length of colour sequence
cycsh Numeric: cyclic shift (percent)
values : Character: the colour values.


Kovesi (2014, 2015) presented a collection of colour sequences that have uniform perceptual contrast over their whole range.

The dataset Kovesi provides these data. It is a hyperframe with 41 rows, in which each row provides information about one colour sequence.

Additional information in each row specifies whether the colour sequence is ‘linear’, ‘diverging’, ‘rainbow’, ‘cyclic’, ‘isoluminant’ and/or ‘ternary’ as defined by Kovesi (2014, 2015).

The ‘colour signature’ is a string composed of letters representing the successive hues, using the following code:

r red
g green
b blue
c cyan
m magenta
y yellow
o orange
v violet
k black
w white
j grey (j rhymes with grey)

For example kryw is the sequence from black to red to yellow to white.

The column values contains the colour data themselves. The ith colour sequence is Kovesi$values[[i]], a character vector of length 256.


Dr Peter Kovesi, Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia.


Kovesi, P. (2014) Website CET Uniform Perceptual Contrast Colour Maps

Kovesi, P. (2015) Good Colour Maps: How to Design Them. arXiv:1509.03700 [cs.GR]


  LinearBMW <- Kovesi$values[[28]]
  if(require(spatstat.geom)) {
  plot(colourmap(LinearBMW, range=c(0,1)))

  ## The following would be suitable for spatstat.options(image.colfun)
  BMWfun <- function(n) { interp.colours(LinearBMW, n) }

Datasets for 'spatstat' Family

GPL (>= 2)
Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre] (<>), Rolf Turner [aut] (<>), Ege Rubak [aut] (<>), W Aherne [ctb], Freda Alexander [ctb], Qi Wei Ang [ctb], Sourav Banerjee [ctb], Mark Berman [ctb], R Bernhardt [ctb], Thomas Berndtsen [ctb], Andrew Bevan [ctb], Jeffrey Betts [ctb], Ray Cartwright [ctb], Richard Condit [ctb], Francis Crick [ctb], Marcelino de la Cruz Rot [ctb], Jack Cuzick [ctb], Tilman Davies [ctb], Peter Diggle [ctb], Michael Drinkwater [ctb], Stephen Eglen [ctb], Robert Edwards [ctb], AE Esler [ctb], Gregory Evans [ctb], Bernard Fingleton [ctb], Olivier Flores [ctb], David Ford [ctb], Robin Foster [ctb], Janet Franklin [ctb], Neba Funwi-Gabga [ctb], DJ Gerrard [ctb], Andy Green [ctb], Tim Griffin [ctb], Ute Hahn [ctb], RD Harkness [ctb], Arthur Hickman [ctb], Stephen Hubbell [ctb], Austin Hughes [ctb], Jonathan Huntington [ctb], MJ Hutchings [ctb], Jackie Inwald [ctb], Valerie Isham [ctb], Aruna Jammalamadaka [ctb], Carl Knox-Robinson [ctb], Mahdieh Khanmohammadi [ctb], Tero Kokkila [ctb], Bas Kooijman [ctb], Kenneth Kosik [ctb], Peter Kovesi [ctb], Lily Kozmian-Ledward [ctb], Robert Lamb [ctb], NA Laskurain [ctb], George Leser [ctb], Marie-Colette van Lieshout [ctb], AF Mark [ctb], Jorge Mateu [ctb], Annikki Makela [ctb], Enrique Miranda [ctb], Nicoletta Nava [ctb], M Numata [ctb], Matti Nummelin [ctb], Jens Randel Nyengaard [ctb], Yosihiko Ogata [ctb], Si Palmer [ctb], Antti Penttinen [ctb], Sandra Pereira [ctb], Nicolas Picard [ctb], William Platt [ctb], Stephen Rathbun [ctb], Brian Ripley [ctb], Roger Sainsbury [ctb], Dietrich Stoyan [ctb], David Strauss [ctb], L Strand [ctb], Masaharu Tanemura [ctb], Graham Upton [ctb], Bill Venables [ctb], Sasha Voss [ctb], Rasmus Waagepetersen [ctb], Keith Watkins [ctb], H Wendrock [ctb]
Initial release

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