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Simulated data from a two-group experiment with replication within each group.


The simba dataset contains simulated data from an experiment with a ‘control’ group and a ‘treatment’ group, each group containing 5 experimental units.

The responses in the experiment are point patterns.

The responses in the control group are independent realisations of a Poisson point process with intensity 80.

The responses in the treatment group are independent realisations of a Strauss process with activity parameter beta=100, interaction parameter gamma=0.5 and interaction radius R=0.07 in the unit square.




simba is a hyperframe with 10 rows, and columns named:

  • Points containing the point patterns

  • group factor identifying the experimental group, with levels control and treatment).


Simulated data, generated by Adrian Baddeley

Datasets for 'spatstat' Family

GPL (>= 2)
Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre] (<>), Rolf Turner [aut] (<>), Ege Rubak [aut] (<>), W Aherne [ctb], Freda Alexander [ctb], Qi Wei Ang [ctb], Sourav Banerjee [ctb], Mark Berman [ctb], R Bernhardt [ctb], Thomas Berndtsen [ctb], Andrew Bevan [ctb], Jeffrey Betts [ctb], Ray Cartwright [ctb], Richard Condit [ctb], Francis Crick [ctb], Marcelino de la Cruz Rot [ctb], Jack Cuzick [ctb], Tilman Davies [ctb], Peter Diggle [ctb], Michael Drinkwater [ctb], Stephen Eglen [ctb], Robert Edwards [ctb], AE Esler [ctb], Gregory Evans [ctb], Bernard Fingleton [ctb], Olivier Flores [ctb], David Ford [ctb], Robin Foster [ctb], Janet Franklin [ctb], Neba Funwi-Gabga [ctb], DJ Gerrard [ctb], Andy Green [ctb], Tim Griffin [ctb], Ute Hahn [ctb], RD Harkness [ctb], Arthur Hickman [ctb], Stephen Hubbell [ctb], Austin Hughes [ctb], Jonathan Huntington [ctb], MJ Hutchings [ctb], Jackie Inwald [ctb], Valerie Isham [ctb], Aruna Jammalamadaka [ctb], Carl Knox-Robinson [ctb], Mahdieh Khanmohammadi [ctb], Tero Kokkila [ctb], Bas Kooijman [ctb], Kenneth Kosik [ctb], Peter Kovesi [ctb], Lily Kozmian-Ledward [ctb], Robert Lamb [ctb], NA Laskurain [ctb], George Leser [ctb], Marie-Colette van Lieshout [ctb], AF Mark [ctb], Jorge Mateu [ctb], Annikki Makela [ctb], Enrique Miranda [ctb], Nicoletta Nava [ctb], M Numata [ctb], Matti Nummelin [ctb], Jens Randel Nyengaard [ctb], Yosihiko Ogata [ctb], Si Palmer [ctb], Antti Penttinen [ctb], Sandra Pereira [ctb], Nicolas Picard [ctb], William Platt [ctb], Stephen Rathbun [ctb], Brian Ripley [ctb], Roger Sainsbury [ctb], Dietrich Stoyan [ctb], David Strauss [ctb], L Strand [ctb], Masaharu Tanemura [ctb], Graham Upton [ctb], Bill Venables [ctb], Sasha Voss [ctb], Rasmus Waagepetersen [ctb], Keith Watkins [ctb], H Wendrock [ctb]
Initial release

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