Spatial 'K'luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal
This function implements a SKATER procedure for spatial clustering analysis. This procedure essentialy begins with an edges set, a data set and a number of cuts. The output is an object of 'skater' class and is valid for input again.
skater(edges, data, ncuts, crit, vec.crit, method = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "mahalanobis"), p = 2, cov, inverted = FALSE)
edges |
A matrix with 2 colums with each row is an edge |
data |
A data.frame with data observed over nodes. |
ncuts |
The number of cuts |
crit |
A scalar ow two dimensional vector with with criteria for groups. Examples: limits of group size or limits of population size. If scalar, is the minimum criteria for groups. |
vec.crit |
A vector for evaluating criteria. |
method |
Character or function to declare distance method.
If |
p |
The power of the Minkowski distance. |
cov |
The covariance matrix used to compute the mahalanobis distance. |
inverted |
logical. If 'TRUE', 'cov' is supposed to contain the inverse of the covariance matrix. |
A object of skater
class with:
groups |
A vector with length equal the number of nodes. Each position identifies the group of node |
edges.groups |
A list of length equal the number of groups with each element is a set of edges |
not.prune |
A vector identifying the groups with are not candidates to partition. |
candidates |
A vector identifying the groups with are candidates to partition. |
ssto |
The total dissimilarity in each step of edge removal. |
Renato M. Assuncao and Elias T. Krainski
Assuncao, R.M., Lage J.P., and Reis, E.A. (2002). Analise de conglomerados espaciais via arvore geradora minima. Revista Brasileira de Estatistica, 62, 1-23.
Assuncao, R. M, Neves, M. C., Camara, G. and Freitas, C. da C. (2006). Efficient regionalization techniques for socio-economic geographical units using minimum spanning trees. International Journal of Geographical Information Science Vol. 20, No. 7, August 2006, 797-811
See Also as mstree
### loading data bh <- st_read(system.file("etc/shapes/bhicv.shp", package="spdep")[1], quiet=TRUE) st_crs(bh) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84" ### data standardized dpad <- data.frame(scale([,5:8])) ### neighboorhod list bh.nb <- poly2nb(bh) ### calculating costs lcosts <- nbcosts(bh.nb, dpad) ### making listw nb.w <- nb2listw(bh.nb, lcosts, style="B") ### find a minimum spanning tree <- mstree(nb.w,5) ### the mstree plot par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(st_geometry(bh), border=gray(.5)) plot(, coordinates(as(bh, "Spatial")), col=2, cex.lab=.6, cex.circles=0.035, fg="blue", add=TRUE) ### three groups with no restriction res1 <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 2) ### groups size table(res1$groups) ### the skater plot opar <- par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(res1, coordinates(as(bh, "Spatial")), cex.circles=0.035, cex.lab=.7) ### the skater plot, using other colors plot(res1, coordinates(as(bh, "Spatial")), cex.circles=0.035, cex.lab=.7, groups.colors=heat.colors(length(res1$ed))) ### the Spatial Polygons plot plot(st_geometry(bh), col=heat.colors(length(res1$edg))[res1$groups]) par(opar) ### EXPERT OPTIONS ### more one partition res1b <- skater(res1, dpad, 1) ### length groups frequency table(res1$groups) table(res1b$groups) ### thee groups with minimum population res2 <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 2, 200000, bh$Pop) table(res2$groups) ### thee groups with minimun number of areas res3 <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 2, 3, rep(1,nrow(bh))) table(res3$groups) ### thee groups with minimun and maximun number of areas res4 <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 2, c(20,50), rep(1,nrow(bh))) table(res4$groups) ### if I want to get groups with 20 to 40 elements res5 <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 2, c(20,40), rep(1,nrow(bh))) ## DON'T MAKE DIVISIONS table(res5$groups) ### In this MST don't have groups with this restrictions ### In this case, first I do one division ### with the minimun criteria res5a <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 1, 20, rep(1,nrow(bh))) table(res5a$groups) ### and do more one division with the full criteria res5b <- skater(res5a, dpad, 1, c(20, 40), rep(1,nrow(bh))) table(res5b$groups) ### and do more one division with the full criteria res5c <- skater(res5b, dpad, 1, c(20, 40), rep(1,nrow(bh))) table(res5c$groups) ### It don't have another divison with this criteria res5d <- skater(res5c, dpad, 1, c(20, 40), rep(1,nrow(bh))) table(res5d$groups) ## Not run: data(boston, package="spData") bh.nb <- boston.soi dpad <- data.frame(scale(boston.c[,c(7:10)])) ### calculating costs system.time(lcosts <- nbcosts(bh.nb, dpad)) ### making listw nb.w <- nb2listw(bh.nb, lcosts, style="B") ### find a minimum spanning tree <- mstree(nb.w,5) ### three groups with no restriction system.time(res1 <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 2)) library(parallel) nc <- detectCores(logical=FALSE) # set nc to 1L here if (nc > 1L) nc <- 1L coresOpt <- get.coresOption() invisible(set.coresOption(nc)) if(!get.mcOption()) { # no-op, "snow" parallel calculation not available cl <- makeCluster(get.coresOption()) set.ClusterOption(cl) } ### calculating costs system.time(plcosts <- nbcosts(bh.nb, dpad)) all.equal(lcosts, plcosts, check.attributes=FALSE) ### making listw pnb.w <- nb2listw(bh.nb, plcosts, style="B") ### find a minimum spanning tree <- mstree(pnb.w,5) ### three groups with no restriction system.time(pres1 <- skater([,1:2], dpad, 2)) if(!get.mcOption()) { set.ClusterOption(NULL) stopCluster(cl) } all.equal(res1, pres1, check.attributes=FALSE) invisible(set.coresOption(coresOpt)) ## End(Not run)
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