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Query a Character Encoding


Gets basic information on a character encoding.


stri_enc_info(enc = NULL)



NULL or '' for the default encoding, or a single string with encoding name


An error is raised if the provided encoding is unknown to ICU (see stri_enc_list for more details).


Returns a list with the following components:

  • Name.friendly – friendly encoding name: MIME Name or JAVA Name or ICU Canonical Name (the first of provided ones is selected, see below);

  • Name.ICU – encoding name as identified by ICU;

  • Name.* – other standardized encoding names, e.g., Name.UTR22, Name.IBM, Name.WINDOWS, Name.JAVA, Name.IANA, Name.MIME (some of them may be unavailable for all the encodings);

  • ASCII.subset – is ASCII a subset of the given encoding?;

  • Unicode.1to1 – for 8-bit encodings only: are all characters translated to exactly one Unicode code point and is the translation scheme reversible?;

  • CharSize.8bit – is this an 8-bit encoding, i.e., do we have CharSize.min == CharSize.max and CharSize.min == 1?;

  • CharSize.min – minimal number of bytes used to represent a UChar (in UTF-16, this is not the same as UChar32)

  • CharSize.max – maximal number of bytes used to represent a UChar (in UTF-16, this is not the same as UChar32, i.e., does not reflect the maximal code point representation size)

See Also

Other encoding_management: about_encoding, stri_enc_list(), stri_enc_mark(), stri_enc_set()


Character String Processing Facilities

Marek Gagolewski [aut, cre, cph] (<>), Bartek Tartanus [ctb], and others (stringi source code); IBM, Unicode, Inc. and others (ICU4C source code, Unicode Character Database)
Initial release

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