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Sixty-two economic indicators from 99 Portuguese farms.


This data set is a very small subset of economic data regarding Portuguese farms in the mid-1990s, from Portugal's Ministry of Agriculture




A 99x62 matrix. The 62 columns are numeric economic indicators, referenced by their database code. Monetary units are in thousands of Escudos (Portugal's pre-Euro currency).

Column Number Column Name Units Description
[,1] R15 1000 Escudos Total Standard Gross Margins (SGM)
[,2] R24 Hectares Total land surface
[,3] R35 Hectares Total cultivated surface
[,4] R36 Man Work Units Total Man Work Units
[,5] R46 1000 Escudos Land Capital
[,6] R59 1000 Escudos Total Capital (without forests)
[,7] R65 1000 Escudos Total Loans and Debts
[,8] R72 1000 Escudos Total Investment
[,9] R79 1000 Escudos Subsidies for Investment
[,10] R86 1000 Escudos Gross Plant Product Formation
[,11] R91 1000 Escudos Gross Animal Product Formation
[,12] R104 1000 Escudos Current Subsidies
[,13] R110 1000 Escudos Wheat Production
[,14] R111 1000 Escudos Maize Production
[,15] R113 1000 Escudos Other Cereals (except rice) Production
[,16] R114 1000 Escudos Dried Legumes Production
[,17] R115 1000 Escudos Potato Production
[,18] R116 1000 Escudos Industrial horticulture and Melon Production
[,19] R117 1000 Escudos Open-air horticultural Production
[,20] R118 1000 Escudos Horticultural forcing Production
[,21] R119 1000 Escudos Flower Production
[,22] R121 1000 Escudos Sub-products Production
[,23] R122 1000 Escudos Fruit Production
[,24] R123 1000 Escudos Olive Production
[,25] R124 1000 Escudos Wine Production
[,26] R125 1000 Escudos Horses
[,27] R126 1000 Escudos Bovines (excluding milk)
[,28] R127 1000 Escudos Milk and dairy products
[,29] R129 1000 Escudos Sheep
[,30] R132 1000 Escudos Goats
[,31] R135 1000 Escudos Pigs
[,32] R137 1000 Escudos Birds
[,33] R140 1000 Escudos Bees
[,34] R142 1000 Escudos Other animals (except rabbits)
[,35] R144 1000 Escudos Wood production
[,36] R145 1000 Escudos Other forest products (except cork)
[,37] R146 Hectares Land surface affected to cereals
[,38] R151 Hectares Land surface affected to dry legumes
[,39] R152 Hectares Land surface affected to potatos
[,40] R158 Hectares Land surface affected to fruits
[,41] R159 Hectares Land surface affected to olive trees
[,42] R160 Hectares Land surface affected to vineyards
[,43] R164 Hectares Fallow land surface area
[,44] R166 Hectares Forest surface area
[,45] R168 Head Bovines
[,46] R174 Head Adult sheep
[,47] R176 Head Adult goats
[,48] R178 Head Adult pigs
[,49] R209 Kg/hectare Maize yield
[,50] R211 Kg/hectare Barley yield
[,51] R214 Kg/hectare Potato yield
[,52] R215 L/cow/year Cow milk productivity
[,53] R233 1000 Escudos Wages and social expenditure
[,54] R237 1000 Escudos Taxes and tariffs
[,55] R245 1000 Escudos Interest and financial costs
[,56] R250 1000 Escudos Total real costs
[,57] R252 1000 Escudos Gross Product
[,58] R256 1000 Escudos Gross Agricultural Product
[,59] R258 1000 Escudos Gross Value Added (GVA)
[,60] R263 1000 Escudos Final Results
[,61] R270 1000 Escudos Family labour income
[,62] R271 1000 Escudos Capital Income


Obtained directly from the source.


Selecting Variable Subsets

GPL (>= 2)
Jorge Orestes Cerdeira [aut], Pedro Duarte Silva [aut], Jorge Cadima [aut, cre], Manuel Minhoto [aut]
Initial release

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