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Create table in full table environment


The tabular function creates a table which usually renders as a tabular environment when displayed in LaTeX, not as a "float" with caption, label, etc. This function wraps the tabular result in the result of a call to the knitr::kable function.


latexTable(table, format = "latex", longtable = FALSE, ...)



Either a formula to be passed to tabular, or the result of a call to that function.


Currently only "latex" format output is supported.

longtable, ...

Additional arguments to be passed to the knitr::kable function. See details below.


Rather than redoing all the work of generating LaTeX code to wrap the tabular result, this function works by generating a dummy kable table, and replaces the tabular part with the tabular result.

Many of the arguments to kable deal with the content of the table, not the wrapper. These will be ignored with a warning. Currently the arguments that will not be ignored, with their defaults, are:

caption = NULL

The caption to use on the table.

label = NULL

Part of the LaTeX label to use on the table. The full label will have "tab:" prepended by kable.

escape = TRUE

Whether to escape special characters in the caption.

booktabs = FALSE, longtable = FALSE

Logical values to indicate that style of table. These must also be specified to tabular; see the main vignette for details.

position = ""

The instruction to LaTeX about how to position the float in the document.

centering = TRUE

Whether to center the table in the float.

caption.short = ""

Abbreviated caption to use in TOC.

table.envir = if (!is.null(caption)) "table"

Name of outer environment.

These arguments are all defined in the knitr package, and may change in the future.


An object of class "knitr_kable" suitable to include in a Sweave or knitr.Rnw’ document.


cat(latexTable(tabular((Species + 1) ~ (n=1) + Format(digits=2)*
         (Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width)*(mean + sd), data=iris ),
    caption = "Iris sepal data", label = "sepals"))


Formula-Driven Table Generation

Duncan Murdoch
Initial release

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