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Save xgboost model to binary file


Save xgboost model to a file in binary format.

Usage, fname)



model object of xgb.Booster class.


name of the file to write.


This methods allows to save a model in an xgboost-internal binary format which is universal among the various xgboost interfaces. In R, the saved model file could be read-in later using either the xgb.load function or the xgb_model parameter of xgb.train.

Note: a model can also be saved as an R-object (e.g., by using readRDS or save). However, it would then only be compatible with R, and corresponding R-methods would need to be used to load it. Moreover, persisting the model with readRDS or save) will cause compatibility problems in future versions of XGBoost. Consult a-compatibility-note-for-saveRDS-save to learn how to persist models in a future-proof way, i.e. to make the model accessible in future releases of XGBoost.

See Also


data(agaricus.train, package='xgboost')
data(agaricus.test, package='xgboost')
train <- agaricus.train
test <- agaricus.test
bst <- xgboost(data = train$data, label = train$label, max_depth = 2,
               eta = 1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 2,objective = "binary:logistic"), 'xgb.model')
bst <- xgb.load('xgb.model')
if (file.exists('xgb.model')) file.remove('xgb.model')
pred <- predict(bst, test$data)


Extreme Gradient Boosting

Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE
Tianqi Chen [aut], Tong He [aut, cre], Michael Benesty [aut], Vadim Khotilovich [aut], Yuan Tang [aut] (<>), Hyunsu Cho [aut], Kailong Chen [aut], Rory Mitchell [aut], Ignacio Cano [aut], Tianyi Zhou [aut], Mu Li [aut], Junyuan Xie [aut], Min Lin [aut], Yifeng Geng [aut], Yutian Li [aut], XGBoost contributors [cph] (base XGBoost implementation)
Initial release

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