Excel is a very important tool to interactively work with data in corporate environments. Many data science projects therefore require to either use Excel files as a data source or write results to Excel files. With the

Advanced Data Transformation covers the most popular ways of transforming data into all kinds shapes and forms.
- base R is already integrated into the R language itself
- tidyverse provides many packages for data manipulation—-most importantly dplyr and tidyr
- data.table is a highly optimized, in-memory transformation and query interface for tabular data
There is no on-size-fits-all solution to a problem, so in Advanced Data Transformation you will learn how to use the right tool for your data use cases. For each available package ecosystem it covers all essentials, including:
- Data Filtering
- Grouping and Aggregating
- Pivoting
- Joins
- and more!
Get Your Certificate with PRO
After completing Advanced Data Transformation you get a unique certificate, which you can download as PDF and include in your portfolio!