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Qualitative Comparative Analysis

An extensive set of functions to perform Qualitative Comparative Analysis: crisp sets ('csQCA'), temporal ('tQCA'), multi-value ('mvQCA') and fuzzy sets ('fsQCA'), using a GUI - graphical user interface. 'QCA' is a methodology that bridges the qualitative and quantitative divide in social science research. It uses a Boolean algorithm, resulting in a minimal causal configuration that explains a given phenomenon.

Functions (26)


Qualitative Comparative Analysis

GPL (>= 3)
Adrian Dusa [aut, cre, cph] (<>), Ciprian Paduraru [ctb] (<>), jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library), jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in inst/gui/www/lib/jquery-AUTHORS.txt), lp_solve [cph] (, Vasil Dinkov [ctb, cph] (jquery.smartmenus.js library), Dmitry Baranovskiy [ctb, cph] (raphael.js library), Emmanuel Quentin [ctb, cph] (raphael.inline_text_editing.js library), Jimmy Breck-McKye [ctb, cph] (raphael-paragraph.js library), Alrik Thiem [aut] (from version 1.0-0 up to version 1.1-3)
Initial release

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