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Ethnic protest in Europe


This data set was used by Cebotari and Vink (2013), and it was taken here from the associated replication file Cebotari and Vink (2015).




A data frame containing 29 cases (ethnic minorities) and the following 6 columns:

DEMOC Level of democracy: (contextual factor), based on a democracy index ranking countries
on a scale from strong autocracies (0) to strong democracies (10). The fuzzy scores were
calibrated using an exclusion threshold of 2, a crossover of 7 and an inclusion
threshold of 9.5.
ETHFRACT Degree of ethnic fractionalization: (contextual factor), with raw scores ranging from a
homogenous society (0) to a highly fragmented country (1). The fuzzy scores were
calibrated using an exclusion threshold of 0, a crossover of 0.495 and an inclusion
threshold of 0.8.
GEOCON Territorial concentration: (group-related factor) with raw data coded as: widely
dispersed (0) and primarily urban minorities (1) considered territorially dispersed
minorities, and ethnic comunities majoritary in a region (2) and entirely concentrated
in one region (3) considered as territorially concentrated minorities. The fuzzy scores
were calibrated using an exclusion threshold of 0, a crossover of 1.25 and an inclusion
threshold of 3.
POLDIS Political discrimination: (group-related factor) captures discrimination practices
toward minority groups that vary from no discrimination (0) to exclusive and repressive
policies toward a minority group (4). The fuzzy scores were calibrated using an exclusion
threshold of 0, a crossover of 0.75 and an inclusion threshold of 3.
NATPRIDE National pride: (group-related factor) with raw scores ranging from
‘not at all proud’ (0) to ‘very proud’ (3). The fuzzy scores were calibrated using
an exclusion threshold of 0.5, a crossover of 1.5 and an inclusion threshold of 2.5.
PROTEST Outcome, ethnopolitical protest: measured on a range from 0 to 5 with higher values
indicating more intense protest actions. The fuzzy scores were calibrated using an
exclusion threshold of 0.5, a crossover of 1.5 and an inclusion threshold of 3.


There are two different versions of the Cebotari and Vink data: CVR contains the raw data, and CVF contains the data calibrated to fuzzy-sets.


Cebotari, V.; Vink, M.P. (2013) “A Configurational Analysis of Ethnic Protest in Europe”. International Journal of Comparative Sociology vol.54, no.4, pp.298-324.

Cebotari, V.; Vink, M.P. (2015) “Replication Data for: A configurational analysis of ethnic protest in Europe”, doi: 10.7910/DVN/PT2IB9, Harvard Dataverse, V2


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