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Simulation of Random Fields


This function simulates unconditional random fields:

It also simulates conditional random fields for

  • univariate and multivariate, spatial and spatio-temporal Gaussian random fields

Here, only the simulation of Gaussian random fields is described. For other kinds of random fields (binary, max-stable, etc.) or more sophisticated approaches see RFsimulateAdvanced.


RFsimulate(model, x, y=NULL, z=NULL, T=NULL, grid=NULL,
           distances, dim, data, given=NULL, err.model, params,
           err.params, n=1, ...)



object of class RMmodel, RFformula or formula; best is to consider the examples below, first.
The argument params is a list that specifies free parameters in a formula description, see RMformula.


vector of x coordinates, or object of class GridTopology or raster; for more options see RFsimulateAdvanced.


optional vectors of y (z) coordinates, which should not be given if x is a matrix.


optional vector of time coordinates, T must always be an equidistant vector. Instead of T=seq(from=From, by=By, len=Len), one may also write T=c(From, By, Len).


logical; the function finds itself the correct value in nearly all cases, so that usually grid need not be given. See also RFsimulateAdvanced.


another alternative for the argument x to pass the (relative) coordinates, see RFsimulateAdvanced.


For conditional simulation and random imputing only. If data is missing, unconditional simulation is performed.

matrix, data.frame or object of class RFsp;
If a matrix is given the ordering of the colums is the following: space, time, multivariate, repetitions, i.e. the index for the space runs the fastest and that for repetitions the slowest. If given is not given and data is a matrix or data is a data.frame, RandomFields tries to identify where the data and the coordinates are, e.g. by names in formulae or by fixed names, see Coordinate systems. See also RFsimulateAdvanced. If all fails, the first columns are interpreted as coordinate vectors, and the last column(s) as (multiple) measurement(s) of the field. Notes that also lists of data can be passed.

If the argument x is missing, data may contain NAs, which are then replaced by conditionally simulated values (random imputing);


optional, matrix or list. If given matrix then the coordinates can be given separately, namely by given where, in each row, a single location is given.
If given is a list, it may consist of x, y, z, T, grid.
If given is provided, data must be a matrix or an array containing the data only.


For conditional simulation and random imputing only.
In case of (assumed) error-free measurements (which is mostly the case in geostatistics) the argument err.model is not given. In case of measurement errors we have err.model=RMnugget(var=var).
err.param plays the same role as params for model..


number of realizations to generate. For a very advanced feature, see the notes in RFsimulateAdvanced.


for advanced use: further options and control arguments for the simulation that are passed to and processed by RFoptions. If params is given, then ... may include also the variables used in params.


By default, all Gaussian random fields have zero mean. Simulating with trend can be done by including RMtrend in the model, see the examples below.

If data is passed, conditional simulation based on simple kriging is performed:

  • If of class RFsp, ncol(data@coords) must equal the dimension of the index space. If data@data contains only a single variable, variable names are optional. If data@data contains more than one variable, variables must be named and model must be given in the tilde notation resp ~ ... (see RFformula) and "resp" must be contained in names(data@data).

  • If data is a matrix or a data.frame, either ncol(data) equals (dimension of index space + 1) and the order of the columns is (x, y, z, T, response) or, if data contains more than one response variable (i.e. ncol(data) > (dimension of index space + 1)), colnames(data) must contain colnames(x) or those of "x", "y", "z", "T" that are not missing. The response variable name is matched with model, which must be given in the tilde notation. If "x", "y", "z", "T" are missing and data contains NAs, colnames(data) must contain an element which starts with ‘data’; the corresponding column and those behind it are interpreted as the given data and those before the corresponding column are interpreted as the coordinates.

  • If x is missing, RFsimulate searches for NAs in the data and performs a conditional simulation for them.

Specification of err.model: In geostatistics we have two different interpretations of a nugget effect: small scale variability and measurement error. The result of conditional simulation usually does not include the measurement error. Hence the measurement error err.model must be given separately. For sake of generality, any model (and not only the nugget effect) is allowed. Consequently, err.model is ignored when unconditional simulation is performed.


By default, an object of the virtual class RFsp; result is of class RMmodel.

  • RFspatialGridDataFrame if the space-time dimension is greater than 1 and the coordinates are on a grid,

  • RFgridDataFrame if the space-time dimension equals 1 and the coordinates are on a grid,

  • RFspatialPointsDataFrame if the space-time dimension is greater than 1 and the coordinates are not on a grid,

  • RFpointsDataFrame if the space-time dimension equals 1 and the coordinates are not on a grid.

In case of a multivariate

If n > 1 the repetitions make the last dimension.

See RFsimulateAdvanced for additional options.


Several advanced options can be found in sections ‘General options’ and ‘coords’ of RFoptions. In particular, option spConform=FALSE leads to a simpler (and faster!) output, see RFoptions for details.



Lantuejoul, Ch. (2002) Geostatistical simulation. New York: Springer.

Schlather, M. (1999) An introduction to positive definite functions and to unconditional simulation of random fields. Technical report ST 99-10, Dept. of Maths and Statistics, Lancaster University.

See RFsimulateAdvanced for more specific literature.

See Also


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

## ##
## see ##
## ?RMsimulate.more.examples ##
## and ##
## ?RFsimulateAdvanced ##
## for more examples ##
## ##

## ##
## Unconditional simulation ## 
## ##

## first let us look at the list of implemented models
RFgetModelNames(type="positive definite", domain="single variable",

## our choice is the exponential model;
## the model includes nugget effect and the mean:
model <- RMexp(var=5, scale=10) + # with variance 4 and scale 10
 RMnugget(var=1) + # nugget
 RMtrend(mean=0.5) # and mean
## define the locations:
from <- 0
to <- 20
x.seq <- seq(from, to, length=200) 
y.seq <- seq(from, to, length=200)

simu <- RFsimulate(model, x=x.seq, y=y.seq)

## ##
## Conditional simulation ## 
## ##

# first we simulate some random values at 
# 100 random locations:
n <- 100
x <- runif(n=n, min=-1, max=1)
y <- runif(n=n, min=-1, max=1)
dta <- RFsimulate(model = RMexp(), x=x, y=y, grid=FALSE)

# let simulate a field conditional on the above data
L <- if (interactive()) 100 else 5
x.seq.cond <- y.seq.cond <- seq(-1.5, 1.5, length=L)
model <- RMexp()
cond <- RFsimulate(model, x=x.seq.cond, y=y.seq.cond, data=dta)
plot(cond, dta)


Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields

GPL (>= 3)
Martin Schlather [aut, cre], Alexander Malinowski [aut], Marco Oesting [aut], Daphne Boecker [aut], Kirstin Strokorb [aut], Sebastian Engelke [aut], Johannes Martini [aut], Felix Ballani [aut], Olga Moreva [aut], Jonas Auel[ctr], Peter Menck [ctr], Sebastian Gross [ctr], Ulrike Ober [ctb], Paulo Ribeiro [ctb], Brian D. Ripley [ctb], Richard Singleton [ctb], Ben Pfaff [ctb], R Core Team [ctb]
Initial release

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