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Common operations on DataFrame objects


Common operations on DataFrame objects.


In the code snippet below, x is a DataFrame object.

merge(x, y, ...): Merges two DataFrame objects x and y, with arguments in ... being the same as those allowed by the base merge. It is allowed for either x or y to be a data.frame.


In the code snippet below, x is a DataFrame object.

split(x, f, drop = FALSE): Splits x into a SplitDataFrameList object, according to f, dropping elements corresponding to unrepresented levels if drop is TRUE.


In the code snippet below, x is a DataFrame object.

by(data, INDICES, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE): Apply FUN to each group of data, a DataFrame, formed by the factor (or list of factors) INDICES. Exactly the same contract as

Subsetting based on NA content

In the code snippets below, x is a DataFrame object.

na.omit(object): Returns a subset with incomplete cases removed.

na.exclude(object): Returns a subset with incomplete cases removed (but to be included with NAs in statistical results). Returns a logical matrix indicating which cells are missing.

complete.cases(x): Returns a logical vector identifying which cases have no missing values.


In the code snippet below, x is a DataFrame object.

transform(`_data`, ...): adds or replaces columns based on expressions in .... See transform.

Statistical modeling with DataFrame

A number of wrappers are implemented for performing statistical procedures, such as model fitting, with DataFrame objects.


xtabs(formula = ~., data, subset, na.action, exclude = c(NA, NaN), drop.unused.levels = FALSE): Like the original xtabs, except data is a DataFrame.


Michael Lawrence

See Also


## split
sw <- DataFrame(swiss)
swsplit <- split(sw, sw[["Education"]])

## rbind & cbind, as.list(swsplit))
cbind(DataFrame(score), DataFrame(counts))

df <- DataFrame(
xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, df)


Foundation of vector-like and list-like containers in Bioconductor

H. Pagès, M. Lawrence and P. Aboyoun
Initial release

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