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Combine student data and SGP results


Utility function that merges student long data in the @Data slot with results from student growth percentiles and/or student growth projections calculations. Default values of this function are designed to be used following use of other utility functions: prepareSGP and analyzeSGP. Function is integrated with cutscores embedded in SGPstateData to calculate growth-to-standard SGP targets and their associated scale scores with catch-up/keep-up to proficient status and/or move-up/stay-up to advanced status as well as the scale scores associated with these targets.





An object of class SGP containing slots @Data (from prepareSGP) and @SGP (from analyzeSGP).


Acronym for which state is to be used for the lagged projections and growth to standard analyses. Function will try to guess state name from passed sgp_object is missing.


A vector of years indicating years of data to merge with @Data. If missing, merge will use all available years of student growth percentile results.


A vector of content areas indicating content areas of student growth percentile data to merge with @Data. If missing, merge will use all available content areas of student growth percentile results.


A Boolean variable indicating whether to combine student growth percentiles.


A Boolean variable indicating whether to combine baseline student growth percentiles.


A Boolean variable indicating whether to combine current year student growth projections and calculate catch-up/keep-up and move-up/stay-up values.


A Boolean variable indicating whether to combine current year baseline student growth projections and calculate catch-up/keep-up and move-up/stay-up values.


A Boolean variable indicating whether to combine lagged student growth projections and calculate catch-up/keep-up and move-up/stay-up values.


A Boolean variable indicating whether to combine lagged baseline student growth projections and calculate catch-up/keep-up move-up/stay-up values.

A Boolean variable indicating whether scale scores from calculated SGP targets should be calculated.

A Boolean variable indicating whether combineSGP should skip merging and only calculate scale scores from calculated SGP targets. Default is FALSE.

An argument (defaults to FALSE) indicating whether & how target scale scores should be merged with the LONG data in the @Data slot.

A Boolean variable indicating whether content area associated with SGP targets should be calculated.

A integer indicating the number of years forward from the lagged (last year's) score to project forward for growth to standard calculations. Default is 3 years from the present, 4 years from the lagged year, which is the standard in most growth to standard calculations used by state departments of education.


A Boolean argument defaulting to FALSE indicating whether combineSGP should delete previously merged variables calculated in analyzeSGP and re-merge all available data.


Argument (defaults to NULL) passed utilized only for target scale score calculation. If targets for end of course tests are required, user must specify configurations directly. See code from testSGP number 3 for an example.


Boolean variable indicating whether equated percentiles are being merged (defaults to NULL which is converted to FALSE unless otherwise explicitly declared. If scale score targets are being calculated, linkages will be passed to scale score targets for calculation.


Argument used to pass SGPt configuration to getTargetScaleScore for studentGrowthProjections calculation of scale score targets.


Argument to control how duplicate records based upon the key of VALID_CASE, CONTENT_AREA, YEAR, and ID are dealt with. If set to 'KEEP.ALL', the function tries to fix the duplicate individual records. If present and a '_DUP_***' suffix has been added to the duplicate ID before running studentGrowthPercentiles, then the @Data slot will be extended as necessary to accomodate additional student records and SGP results.


Parallel configuration only used when '' is set to TRUE. Default is NULL consistent with no targets being calculated. To utilize parallel processing in the calculation of SGP scale score targets user must specify a list designating a backend (e.g, BACKEND='PARALLEL') and a number of workers (e.g., 'WORKERS=list(SGP_SCALE_SCORE_TARGETS=4)').


Function returns a list containing the input long data set in the @Data slot as a data.table keyed using VALID_CASE, CONTENT_AREA, YEAR, ID merged with student growth percentiles and/or straight/lagged projection targets and catch-up/keep-up and move-up/stay-up status with, if requested, the scale scores associated with such targets.


Damian W. Betebenner and Adam Van Iwaarden

See Also


## Not run: 
## combineSGP is Step 3 of 5 of abcSGP
Demonstration_SGP <- sgpData_LONG
Demonstration_SGP <- prepareSGP(Demonstration_SGP)
Demonstration_SGP <- analyzeSGP(Demonstration_SGP)
Demonstration_SGP <- combineSGP(Demonstration_SGP)

## End(Not run)


Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories

Damian W. Betebenner [aut, cre], Adam R. Van Iwaarden [aut], Ben Domingue [aut], Yi Shang [aut], Jonathan Weeks [ctb], John Stewart [ctb], Jinnie Choi [ctb], Xin Wei [ctb], Hi Shin Shim [ctb], Xiaoyuan Tan [ctb] (Arizona Department of Education), Carrie Giovannini [ctb] (Arizona Department of Education), Sarah Polasky [ctb] (Arizona State University), Rebecca Gau [ctb] (Arizona Charter School Association), Jeffrey Dean [ctb] (University of Arkansas), William Bonk [ctb] (Colorado Department of Education), Marie Huchton [ctb] (Colorado Department of Education), Allison Timberlake [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Qi Qin [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Melissa Fincher [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Kiran Athota [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Travis Allen [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Glenn Hirata [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Glenn Nochi [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Joshua Lee [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Ayaka Nukui [ctb] (Idaho Department of Education), Carissa Miller [ctb] (Idaho Department of Education), Matthew Raimondi [ctb] (Elgin Area School District U46 (Illinois)), Wes Bruce [ctb] (Indiana Department of Education), Robert Hochsegang [ctb] (Indiana Department of Education), Tony Moss [ctb] (Kansas State Department of Education), Xuewen Sheng [ctb] (Kansas State Department of Education), Kathy Flanagan [ctb] (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Robert Lee [ctb] (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Ji Zeng [ctb] (Michigan Department of Education), Steve Viger [ctb] (Michigan Department of Education), Joe DeCastra [ctb] (Mississippi Department of Education), Ken Thompson [ctb] (Mississippi Department of Education), Soo Yeon Cho [ctb] (Missouri Department of Education), Jeff Halsell [ctb] (Clark County School District, Nevada), Selcuk Ozdemir [ctb] (Washoe County School District, Nevada), Roger Silva [ctb] (Nevada Department of Education), Deb Wiswell [ctb] (New Hampshire Department of Education), Katya Levitan-Reiner [ctb] (New Haven Public Schools), Catherine McCaslin [ctb] (New Haven Public Schools), Joshua Marland [ctb] (New York Education Department), W Joshua Rew [ctb] (Oregon Department of Education), Jason Becker [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Jessica Bailey [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Ana Karantonis [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Deborah Jonas [ctb] (Virginia Department of Education), Juan D'Brot [ctb] (West Virginia Department of Education), Nate Hixson [ctb] (West Virginia Department of Education), Deb Came [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Ashley Colburn [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Nick Hassell [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Krissy Johnson [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Daniel Bush [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Justin Meyer [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Joseph Newton [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Nick Stroud [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), John Paul [ctb] (Wyoming Department of Education), Michael Flicek [ctb] (Michael Flicek Projects LLC working with Wyoming Department of Education), Phyllis Clay [ctb] (Albuquerque Public Schools), Peter Kinyua [ctb] (Albuquerque Public Schools), Brendan Houng [ctb] (University of Melbourne, Australia, NAPLAN), Leslie Rosale [ctb] (Ministry of Education, Guatemala), Nathan Wall [ctb] (eMetric working with Nevada Department of Education and South Dakota Department of Education), Narek Sahakyan [ctb] (World Class Instruction and Design (WIDA))
Initial release

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