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Generics for in-RAM sorting and ordering


These are generic stubs for low-level sorting and ordering methods implemented in packages 'bit64' and 'ff'. The ..sortorder methods do sorting and ordering at once, which requires more RAM than ordering but is (almost) as fast as as sorting.


ramsort(x, ...)

ramorder(x, i, ...)

ramsortorder(x, i, ...)

mergesort(x, ...)

mergeorder(x, i, ...)

mergesortorder(x, i, ...)

quicksort(x, ...)

quickorder(x, i, ...)

quicksortorder(x, i, ...)

shellsort(x, ...)

shellorder(x, i, ...)

shellsortorder(x, i, ...)

radixsort(x, ...)

radixorder(x, i, ...)

radixsortorder(x, i, ...)

keysort(x, ...)

keyorder(x, i, ...)

keysortorder(x, i, ...)



a vector to be sorted by ramsort and ramsortorder, i.e. the output of sort


further arguments to the sorting methods


integer positions to be modified by ramorder and ramsortorder, default is 1:n, in this case the output is similar to order


The sort generics do sort their argument 'x', some methods need temporary RAM of the same size as 'x'. The order generics do order their argument 'i' leaving 'x' as it was, some methods need temporary RAM of the same size as 'i'. The sortorder generics do sort their argument 'x' and order their argument 'i', this way of ordering is much faster at the price of requiring temporary RAM for both, 'x' and 'i', if the method requires temporary RAM. The ram generics are high-level functions containing an optimizer that chooses the 'best' algorithms given some context.


These functions return the number of NAs found or assumed during sorting

Index of implemented methods


Note that these methods purposely violate the functional programming paradigm: they are called for the side-effect of changing some of their arguments. The rationale behind this is that sorting is very RAM-intensive and in certain situations we might not want to allocate additional memory if not necessary to do so. The sort-methods change x, the order-methods change i, and the sortoder-methods change both x and i You as the user are responsible to create copies of the input data 'x' and 'i' if you need non-modified versions.


Jens Oehlschlägel <>

See Also

sort and order in base R, bitsort for faster inteer sorting


Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections

GPL-2 | GPL-3
Jens Oehlschlägel [aut, cre], Brian Ripley [ctb]
Initial release

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