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Locfit panel function


This panel function can be used to add locfit fits to plots generated by Lattice.

Currently it works with xyplot for 1-d fits and crudely with wireframe for 2-d fits.


panel.locfit(x, y, subscripts, z, rot.mat, distance, shade,
                 light.source, xlim, ylim, zlim, xlim.scaled,
                 ylim.scaled, zlim.scaled, region, col, lty, lwd,
                 alpha, col.groups, polynum, drape, at, xlab, ylab,
                 zlab, xlab.default, ylab.default, zlab.default,
                 aspect, panel.aspect, scales.3d, contour, labels,


x, y, subscripts, z

usual arguments to a panel function

rot.mat, distance, shade, light.source, xlim, ylim, zlim, xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled, zlim.scaled, region, col, lty, lwd, alpha, col.groups, polynum, drape, at, xlab, ylab, zlab, xlab.default, ylab.default, zlab.default, aspect, panel.aspect, scales.3d, contour, labels

further arguments passed on to underlying plotting functions


Most Locfit arguments can be passed through xyplot.

See Also


## Not run: 
# a simple multi-panel display
data(ethanol, package="locfit")
xyplot(NOx ~ E | C, data=ethanol, panel=panel.locfit)

# The second example uses some Locfit optional arguments.
# Note we can pass the alpha (bandwidth) and family arguments directly to
# xyplot. The cens argument must be given in full; not as a data frame variable.
# The resulting plot does not (yet) distinguish the censored points, but
# the fit will correctly apply censoring.
data(border, package="locfit")
xyplot(runs ~ day, data=border, panel=panel.locfit, family="poisson",
 alpha=0.3, cens=border$no)

## End(Not run)


Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation

GPL (>= 2)
Catherine Loader [aut], Jiayang Sun [ctb], Lucent Technologies [cph], Andy Liaw [cre]
Initial release

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