Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation
Local regression, likelihood and density estimation methods as described in the 1999 book by Loader.
Compute Akaike's Information Criterion.
Compute an AIC plot.
Australian Institute of Sport Dataset
Angular Term for a Locfit model.
Example dataset for bandwidth selection
Cricket Batting Dataset
Chemical Diabetes Dataset
Claw Dataset
Example data set for classification
Test dataset for classification
Training dataset for classification
Carbon Dioxide Dataset
Compute Mallows' Cp for local regression models.
Conditionally parametric term for a Locfit model.
Compute a Cp plot.
Compute critical values for confidence intervals.
Locfit - data evaluation structure.
Density estimation using Locfit
Exhaust emissions
Inverse logistic link function
Fitted values for a ‘"locfit"’ object.
Formula from a Locfit object.
Locfit call for Generalized Additive Models
Vector of GAM special terms
Compute generalized cross-validation statistic.
Compute a generalized cross-validation plot.
Old Faithful Geyser Dataset
Discrete Old Faithful Geyser Dataset
Weight diagrams and the hat matrix for a local regression model.
Survival Times of Heart Transplant Recipients
Insect Dataset
Fisher's Iris Data (subset)
Kangaroo skull measurements dataset
Critical Values for Simultaneous Confidence Bands.
Bandwidth selectors for kernel density estimation.
Mean Residual Life using Kaplan-Meier estimate
Compute Likelihood Cross Validation Statistic.
Compute the likelihood cross-validation plot.
One-sided left smooth for a Locfit model.
Locfit term in Additive Model formula
Extract Locfit Evaluation Structure.
Locfit - grid evaluation structure.
Extraction of fit-point information from a Locfit object.
Construct Limit Vectors for Locfit fits.
Generate grid margins.
Add locfit line to existing plot
liver Metastases dataset
Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation.
Censored Local Regression
Reconstruct a Locfit model matrix.
Local Quasi-Likelihood with global reweighting.
Robust Local Regression
Local Polynomial Model Term
Least Squares Cross Validation Statistic.
Exact LSCV Calculation
Compute the LSCV plot.
Acc(De?)celeration of a Motorcycle Hitting a Wall
Fracture Counts in Coal Mines
Test dataset for minimax Local Regression
Henderson and Sheppard Mortality Dataset
Locfit Evaluation Structure
Locfit panel function
Penny Thickness Dataset
Plot evaluation points from a 2-d locfit object.
Produce a cross-validation plot.
Plot a Locfit Evaluation Structure.
Plot an object of class locfit.
Plot a one dimensional preplot.locfit object.
Plot a two-dimensional "preplot.locfit" object.
Plot a high-dimensional "preplot.locfit" object using trellis displays.
Plot a "preplot.locfit" object.
Plot method for simultaneous confidence bands
x-y scatterplot, colored by levels of a factor.
Add ‘locfit’ points to existing plot
Prediction from a Locfit object.
Print method for gcvplot objects
Print the Locfit Evaluation Points.
Print method for "locfit" object.
Print method for preplot.locfit objects.
Print method for simultaneous confidence bands
Print a Locfit summary object.
Bandwidth selectors for local regression.
Fitted values and residuals for a Locfit object.
One-sided right smooth for a Locfit model.
Residual variance from a locfit object.
Substitute variance estimate on a locfit object.
Simultaneous Confidence Bands
Sheather-Jones Plug-in bandwidth criterion.
Spencer's 15 point graduation rule.
Spencer's 21 point graduation rule.
Spencer's Mortality Dataset
Stamp Thickness Dataset
Save S functions.
Summary method for a gcvplot structure.
Print method for a locfit object.
Summary method for a preplot.locfit object.
Generated sample from a bivariate trimodal normal mixture
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