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Predict X% Lethal Concentration at the maximum time point (default).


Predict median and 95% credible interval of the x% Lethal Concentration.

The function LCx, x% Lethal Concentration (LC_x), is use to compute the dose required to kill x% of the members of a tested population after a specified test duration (time_LCx) (default is the maximum time point of the experiment).

Mathematical definition of x% Lethal Concentration at time t, denoted LC(x,t), is:

S(LC(x,t), t) = S(0, t)*(1- x/100),

where S(LC(x,t), t) is the survival probability at concentration LC(x,t) at time t, and S(0,t) is the survival probability at no concentration (i.e. concentration is 0) at time t which reflect the background mortality h_b:

S(0, t) = exp(-hb* t).

In the function LCx, we use the median of S(0,t) to rescale the x% Lethal Concentration at time t.


LCx(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'survFit'
LCx(object, X, time_LCx = NULL, conc_range = NULL, npoints = 100, ...)



An object of class survFit


Further arguments to be passed to generic methods


Percentage of individuals dying (e.g., 50 for LC_{50}, 10 for LC_{10}, ...)


A number giving the time at which LC_{x} has to be estimated. If NULL, the latest time point of the experiment is used.


A vector of length 2 with minimal and maximal value of the range of concentration. If NULL, the range is define between 0 and the highest tested concentration of the experiment.


Number of time point in conc_range between 0 and the maximal concentration. 100 by default.


When class of object is survFit, see LCx.survFit.


The function returns an object of class LCx, which is a list with the following information:


Survival probability of individuals surviving considering the median of the background mortality (i.e. S(0, t)*(1- x/100))


Survival probability of individuals surviving as provided in arguments (i.e. (100-X)/100)


A number giving the time at which LC_{x} has to be estimated as provided in arguments or if NULL, the latest time point of the experiment is used.


A data.frame with quantiles (median, 2.5% and 97.5%) of LC_{X} at time time_LCx for X% of individuals


A data.frame with four columns: concentration, and median q50 and 95% credible interval (qinf95 and qsup95) of the survival probability at time time_LCx


# (1) Load the data

# (2) Create an object of class 'survData'
dataset <- survData(propiconazole)

## Not run: 
# (3) Run the survFit function with model_type SD (or IT)
out_SD <- survFit(dataset, model_type = "SD")

# (4) estimate LC50 at time 4
LCx(out_SD, X = 50, time_LCx = 4)

## End(Not run)


Modelling Tools for Reproduction and Survival Data in Ecotoxicology

GPL (>= 2)
Virgile Baudrot [aut], Sandrine Charles [aut], Marie Laure Delignette-Muller [aut], Wandrille Duchemin [ctb], Benoit Goussen [ctb], Nils Kehrein [ctb], Guillaume Kon-Kam-King [ctb], Christelle Lopes [ctb], Philippe Ruiz [aut], Alexander Singer [ctb], Philippe Veber [aut]
Initial release

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