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Predict the Multiplication Factor leading to x% of reduction in survival at a specific time.


Generic method for MFx, a function denoted MF(x,t) for x% Multiplication Factor at time t.

The function MFx, x% Multiplication Factor at time t, (MF(x,t)), is used to compute the multiplication factor applied to the concentration exposure profile in order to reduce by x% (argument X) the survival probability at a specified test duration t (argument time_MFx) (default is the maximum time point of the experiment).

Mathematical definition of x% Multiplication Factor at time t (at the end of a time series T = \{0, …, t\}), denoted MF(x,t), is given by:

S(MF(x,t) * C_w(τ \in T), t) = S( C_w(τ \in T), t)*(1- x/100),

where C_w(τ \in T) is the initial exposure profile without multiplication factor. And so the expression S(MF(x,t)* C_w(τ \in T), t) is the survival probability after an exposure profile MF(x,t)* C_w(τ \in T) at time t.

This is a method to replace function MFx used on survFit object when computing issues happen. MFx_ode uses the deSolve library to improve robustness. However, time to compute may be longer.

The function MFx_ode, x% Multiplication Factor at time t, (MF(x,t)), is used to compute the multiplication factor applied to the concentration exposure profile in order to reduce by x% (argument X) the survival probability at a specified test duration t (argument time_MFx) (default is the maximum time point of the experiment).

Mathematical definition of x% Multiplication Factor at time t (at the end of a time series T = \{0, …, t\}), denoted MF(x,t), is given by:

S(MF(x,t) * C_w(τ \in T), t) = S( C_w(τ \in T), t)*(1- x/100),

where C_w(τ \in T) is the initial exposure profile without multiplication factor. And so the expression S(MF(x,t)* C_w(τ \in T), t) is the survival probability after an exposure profile MF(x,t)* C_w(τ \in T) at time t.


MFx(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'survFit'
  X = 50,
  time_MFx = NULL,
  MFx_range = c(0, 1000),
  mcmc_size = 1000,
  hb_value = TRUE,
  spaghetti = FALSE,
  accuracy = 0.01,
  quiet = FALSE,
  threshold_iter = 100,
  hb_valueFORCED = 0,
  ode = TRUE,
  interpolate_length = NULL,
  interpolate_method = "linear",

MFx_ode(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'survFit'
  X = 50,
  time_MFx = NULL,
  MFx_range = c(0, 1000),
  mcmc_size = 1000,
  hb_value = FALSE,
  spaghetti = FALSE,
  accuracy = 0.01,
  quiet = FALSE,
  threshold_iter = 100,
  interpolate_length = NULL,
  interpolate_method = "linear",



An object of class survFit.


Further arguments to be passed to generic methods


A dataframe with two columns time and conc.


Percentage of survival change (e.g., 50 for survival decrease of 50% , or -50 for survival increase of 50%).The default is 50. Only time series computed during the adaptation using a binary search in O(log(n)) are returned. However, if NULL, all time series computed from the vector MFx_range are returned.


A number giving the time at which MF(x,t) has to be estimated. If NULL, the latest time point of the profile is used.


A vector from which lower and upper bound of the range of the multiplication factor MFx are generated. The default is a vector c(0, 1000). If argument X is NULL, then all the time series generated with MFx_range are returned.


Can be used to reduce the number of MCMC samples in order to speed up the computation. The default is 1000.


If TRUE, the background mortality hb is taken into account from the posterior. If FALSE, parameter hb is set to 0. The default is TRUE.


If TRUE, return a set of survival curves using parameters drawn from the posterior distribution.


Accuracy of the multiplication factor. The default is 0.01.


If FALSE, print the evolution of accuracy.


Threshold number of iteration.


If hb_value is FALSE, it fix hb.


IF ode is TRUE, algo use predict_ode rather than predict. Default is TRUE.


Length of the time sequence for which output is wanted.


The interpolation method for concentration. See package deSolve for details. Default is linear.


When class of object is survFit, see MFx.survFit.


The function returns an object of class MFx, which is a list with the following information:


Survival probability for X percent of reduction of the initial median survival probability at time time_MFx.


A number giving the proportion of reduction in survival.


A number giving the time at which MF(x,t) has to be estimated as provided in arguments or if NULL, the latest time point of the profile is used.


A data.frame with quantiles (median, 2.5% and 97.5%) of MF(x,t) at time t, time_MFx, for x% of survival reduction.


A data.frame with quantiles (median, 2.5% and 97.5%) of survival probability along the computed multiplication factor and at time time_MFx.


A vector of all multiplication factors computed.


A list of all object of class survFitPredict obtained from computing survival probability for every profiles build from the vector of multiplication factors MFx_tested.

The function returns an object of class MFx, which is a list with the following information:


Survival probability for X percent of reduction of the initial median survival probability at time time_MFx.


A number giving the proportion of reduction in survival.


A number giving the time at which MF(x,t) has to be estimated as provided in arguments or if NULL, the latest time point of the profile is used.


A data.frame with quantiles (median, 2.5% and 97.5%) of MF(x,t) at time t, time_MFx, for x% of survival reduction.


A data.frame with quantiles (median, 2.5% and 97.5%) of survival probability along the computed multiplication factor and at time time_MFx.


A vector of all multiplication factors computed.


A list of all object of class survFitPredict obtained from computing survival probability for every profiles build from the vector of multiplication factors MFx_tested.


# (1) Load the data

# (2) Create an object of class 'survData'
dataset <- survData(propiconazole)

## Not run: 
# (3) Run the survFit function with model_type SD (or IT)
out_SD <- survFit(dataset, model_type = "SD")

# (4) data to predict
data_4prediction <- data.frame(time = 1:10, conc = c(0,0.5,3,3,0,0,0.5,3,1.5,0))

# (5) estimate MF(x=30, t=4), that is for 30% reduction of survival at time 4
MFx_SD_30.4 <- MFx(out_SD, data_predict = data_4prediction , X = 30, time_MFx = 4)

# (5bis) estimate MF(x,t) along the MF_range from 5 to 10 (50) (X = NULL)
MFx_SD_range <- MFx(out_SD, data_predict = data_4prediction ,
                    X = NULL, time_MFx = 4, MFx_range = seq(5, 10, length.out = 50))

## End(Not run)

# (1) Load the data

# (2) Create an object of class 'survData'
dataset <- survData(propiconazole)

## Not run: 
# (3) Run the survFit function with model_type SD (or IT)
out_SD <- survFit(dataset, model_type = "SD")

# (4) data to predict
data_4prediction <- data.frame(time = 1:10, conc = c(0,0.5,3,3,0,0,0.5,3,1.5,0))

# (5) estimate MF(x=30, t=4), that is for 30% reduction of survival at time 4
MFx_SD_30.4 <- MFx_ode(out_SD, data_predict = data_4prediction , X = 30, time_MFx = 4)

# (5bis) estimate MF(x,t) along the MF_range from 5 to 10 (50) (X = NULL)
MFx_SD_range <- MFx_ode(out_SD, data_predict = data_4prediction ,
                    X = NULL, time_MFx = 4, MFx_range = seq(5, 10, length.out = 50))

## End(Not run)


Modelling Tools for Reproduction and Survival Data in Ecotoxicology

GPL (>= 2)
Virgile Baudrot [aut], Sandrine Charles [aut], Marie Laure Delignette-Muller [aut], Wandrille Duchemin [ctb], Benoit Goussen [ctb], Nils Kehrein [ctb], Guillaume Kon-Kam-King [ctb], Christelle Lopes [ctb], Philippe Ruiz [aut], Alexander Singer [ctb], Philippe Veber [aut]
Initial release

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