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Transform a function to make it run insistently or slowly


  • insistently() takes a function and modifies it to retry a given amount of time on error.

  • slowly() takes a function and modifies it to wait a given amount of time between each call.

The number and rate of attempts is determined by a rate object (by default a jittered exponential backoff rate for insistently(), and a constant rate for slowly()).

If you would like to include a function created with safely, slowly, or insistently in a package, see faq-adverbs-export.


insistently(f, rate = rate_backoff(), quiet = TRUE)

slowly(f, rate = rate_delay(), quiet = TRUE)



A function to modify.


A rate object determining the waiting time.


If FALSE, prints a message displaying how long until the next request.

See Also

httr::RETRY() is a special case of insistently() for HTTP verbs. rate_backoff() and rate_delay() for creating custom backoff rates. rate_sleep() for the function powering insistently() and slowly(). safely() for another useful function operator.


# For the purpose of this example, we first create a custom rate
# object with a low waiting time between attempts:
rate <- rate_delay(0.1)

# slowly() causes a function to sleep for a given time between calls:
slow_runif <- slowly(~ runif(1), rate = rate, quiet = FALSE)
map(1:5, slow_runif)

# insistently() makes a function repeatedly try to work
risky_runif <- function(lo = 0, hi = 1) {
  y <- runif(1, lo, hi)
  if(y < 0.9) {
    stop(y, " is too small")

# Let's now create an exponential backoff rate with a low waiting
# time between attempts:
rate <- rate_backoff(pause_base = 0.1, pause_min = 0.005, max_times = 4)

# Modify your function to run insistently.
insistent_risky_runif <- insistently(risky_runif, rate, quiet = FALSE)

set.seed(6) # Succeeding seed

set.seed(3) # Failing seed

# You can also use other types of rate settings, like a delay rate
# that waits for a fixed amount of time. Be aware that a delay rate
# has an infinite amount of attempts by default:
rate <- rate_delay(0.2, max_times = 3)
insistent_risky_runif <- insistently(risky_runif, rate = rate, quiet = FALSE)

# insistently() and possibly() are a useful combination
rate <- rate_backoff(pause_base = 0.1, pause_min = 0.005)
possibly_insistent_risky_runif <- possibly(insistent_risky_runif, otherwise = -99)




Functional Programming Tools

GPL-3 | file LICENSE
Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], RStudio [cph, fnd]
Initial release

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