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Establish handlers on the stack


Condition handlers are functions established on the evaluation stack (see ctxt_stack()) that are called by R when a condition is signalled (see cnd_signal() and abort() for two common signal functions). They come in two types:

  • Exiting handlers aborts all code currently run between with_handlers() and the point where the condition has been raised. with_handlers() passes the return value of the handler to its caller.

  • Calling handlers, which are executed from inside the signalling functions. Their return values are ignored, only their side effects matters. Valid side effects are writing a log message, or jumping out of the signalling context by invoking a restart or using return_from(). If the raised condition was an error, this interrupts the aborting process.

    If a calling handler returns normally, it effectively declines to handle the condition and other handlers on the stack (calling or exiting) are given a chance to handle the condition.

Handlers are exiting by default, use calling() to create a calling handler.


with_handlers(.expr, ...)




An expression to execute in a context where new handlers are established. The underscored version takes a quoted expression or a quoted formula.


<dynamic> Named handlers. These should be functions of one argument, or formula functions. The handlers are considered exiting by default, use calling() to specify a calling handler.


A handler function that takes a condition as argument. This is passed to as_function() and can thus be a formula describing a lambda function.

Life cycle

exiting() is soft-deprecated as of rlang 0.4.0 because with_handlers() now treats handlers as exiting by default.


# Signal a condition with signal():
fn <- function() {
  "fn() return value"
g <- function() {
h <- function() {
  signal("A foobar condition occurred", "foo")

# Exiting handlers jump to with_handlers() before being
# executed. Their return value is handed over:
handler <- function(c) "handler return value"
with_handlers(fn(), foo = handler)

# Calling handlers are called in turn and their return value is
# ignored. Returning just means they are declining to take charge of
# the condition. However, they can produce side-effects such as
# displaying a message:
some_handler <- function(c) cat("some handler!\n")
other_handler <- function(c) cat("other handler!\n")
with_handlers(fn(), foo = calling(some_handler), foo = calling(other_handler))

# If a calling handler jumps to an earlier context, it takes
# charge of the condition and no other handler gets a chance to
# deal with it. The canonical way of transferring control is by
# jumping to a restart. See with_restarts() and restarting()
# documentation for more on this:
exiting_handler <- function(c) rst_jump("rst_foo")
fn2 <- function() {
  with_restarts(g(), rst_foo = function() "restart value")
with_handlers(fn2(), foo = calling(exiting_handler), foo = calling(other_handler))


Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features

Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], mikefc [cph] (Hash implementation based on Mike's xxhashlite), Yann Collet [cph] (Author of the embedded xxHash library), RStudio [cph]
Initial release

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