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Matrix Functions


These functions are similar to accessors and predicates, but instead of recycling x and y to a common length and returning a vector of that length, these functions return a vector of length x with each element i containing information about how the entire vector y relates to the feature at x[i].


s2_closest_feature(x, y)

s2_farthest_feature(x, y)

s2_distance_matrix(x, y, radius = s2_earth_radius_meters())

s2_max_distance_matrix(x, y, radius = s2_earth_radius_meters())

s2_contains_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options(model = "open"))

s2_within_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options(model = "open"))

s2_covers_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options(model = "closed"))

s2_covered_by_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options(model = "closed"))

s2_intersects_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options())

s2_disjoint_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options())

s2_equals_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options())

s2_touches_matrix(x, y, options = s2_options())

s2_dwithin_matrix(x, y, distance, radius = s2_earth_radius_meters())

s2_may_intersect_matrix(x, y, max_edges_per_cell = 50, max_feature_cells = 4)


x, y

Geography vectors, coerced using as_s2_geography(). x is considered the source, where as y is considered the target.


Radius of the earth. Defaults to the average radius of the earth in meters as defined by s2_earth_radius_meters().


An s2_options() object describing the polygon/polyline model to use and the snap level.


A distance on the surface of the earth in the same units as radius.


For s2_may_intersect_matrix(), this values controls the nature of the index on y, with higher values leading to coarser index. Values should be between 10 and 50; the default of 50 is adequate for most use cases, but for specialized operations users may wish to use a lower value to increase performance.


For s2_may_intersect_matrix(), this value controls the approximation of x used to identify potential intersections on y. The default value of 4 gives the best performance for most operations, but for specialized operations users may wish to use a higher value to increase performance.


A vector of length x.

See Also

See pairwise predicate functions (e.g., s2_intersects()).


city_names <- c("Vatican City", "San Marino", "Luxembourg")
cities <- s2_data_cities(city_names)
country_names <- s2_data_tbl_countries$name
countries <- s2_data_countries()

# closest feature returns y indices of the closest feature
# for each feature in x
country_names[s2_closest_feature(cities, countries)]

# farthest feature returns y indices of the farthest feature
# for each feature in x
country_names[s2_farthest_feature(cities, countries)]

# predicate matrices
country_names[s2_intersects_matrix(cities, countries)[[1]]]

# distance matrices
s2_distance_matrix(cities, cities)
s2_max_distance_matrix(cities, countries[1:4])


Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library

Apache License (== 2.0)
Dewey Dunnington [aut] (<>), Edzer Pebesma [aut, cre] (<>), Ege Rubak [aut], Jeroen Ooms [ctb] (configure script), Google, Inc. [cph] (Original source code)
Initial release

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