Deprecated Functions in Package spdep
These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of spdep only, and may be defunct as soon as the next release. The functions have been moved to the spatialreg package.
lextrB(lw, zero.policy = TRUE, control = list()) lextrW(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list()) lextrS(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list()) #l_max(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list()) griffith_sone(P, Q, type="rook") subgraph_eigenw(nb, glist=NULL, style="W", zero.policy=NULL, quiet=NULL) mom_calc(lw, m) mom_calc_int2(is, m, nb, weights, Card) stsls(formula, data = list(), listw, zero.policy = NULL, na.action =, robust = FALSE, HC=NULL, legacy=FALSE, W2X = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'stsls' impacts(obj, ..., tr, R = NULL, listw = NULL, evalues=NULL, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, Q=NULL) GMerrorsar(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action =, zero.policy = NULL, method="nlminb", arnoldWied=FALSE, control = list(), pars=NULL, scaleU=FALSE, verbose=NULL, legacy=FALSE, se.lambda=TRUE, returnHcov=FALSE, pWOrder=250, tol.Hcov=1.0e-10) ## S3 method for class 'gmsar' summary(object, correlation = FALSE, Hausman=FALSE, ...) GMargminImage(obj, lambdaseq, s2seq) gstsls(formula, data = list(), listw, listw2 = NULL, na.action =, zero.policy = NULL, pars=NULL, scaleU=FALSE, control = list(), verbose=NULL, method="nlminb", robust=FALSE, legacy=FALSE, W2X=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'gmsar' impacts(obj, ..., n = NULL, tr = NULL, R = NULL, listw = NULL, evalues=NULL, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, Q=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'gmsar' Hausman.test(object, ..., tol=NULL) lagmess(formula, data = list(), listw, zero.policy = NULL, na.action =, q = 10, start = -2.5, control=list(), method="BFGS", verbose=NULL, use_expm=FALSE) ME(formula, data=list(), family = gaussian, weights, offset,, listw=NULL, alpha=0.05, nsim=99, verbose=NULL, stdev=FALSE, zero.policy = NULL) SpatialFiltering(formula, lagformula=NULL, data=list(),, nb=NULL, glist = NULL, style = "C", zero.policy = NULL, tol = 0.1, zerovalue = 1e-04, ExactEV = FALSE, symmetric = TRUE, alpha=NULL, alternative="two.sided", verbose=NULL) LR.sarlm(x, y) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' logLik(object, ...) LR1.sarlm(object) Wald1.sarlm(object) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' Hausman.test(object, ..., tol=NULL) as.spam.listw(listw) as_dgRMatrix_listw(listw) as_dsTMatrix_listw(listw) as_dsCMatrix_I(n) as_dsCMatrix_IrW(W, rho) Jacobian_W(W, rho) powerWeights(W, rho, order=250, X, tol=.Machine$double.eps^(3/5)) ## S3 method for class 'lagImpact' plot(x, ..., choice="direct", trace=FALSE, density=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'lagImpact' print(x, ..., reportQ=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'lagImpact' summary(object, ..., zstats=FALSE, short=FALSE, reportQ=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'lagImpact' HPDinterval(obj, prob = 0.95, ..., choice="direct") intImpacts(rho, beta, P, n, mu, Sigma, irho, drop2beta, bnames, interval, type, tr, R, listw, evalues, tol, empirical, Q, icept, iicept, p, mess=FALSE, samples=NULL, zero_fill = NULL, dvars = NULL) eigenw(listw, quiet=NULL) similar.listw(listw) do_ldet(coef, env, which=1) jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig=NULL, trs=NULL, interval=NULL, which=1) cheb_setup(env, q=5, which=1) mcdet_setup(env, p=16, m=30, which=1) eigen_setup(env, which=1) eigen_pre_setup(env, pre_eig, which=1) spam_setup(env, pivot="MMD", which=1) spam_update_setup(env, in_coef=0.1, pivot="MMD", which=1) Matrix_setup(env, Imult, super=as.logical(NA), which=1) Matrix_J_setup(env, super=FALSE, which=1) LU_setup(env, which=1) LU_prepermutate_setup(env, coef=0.1, order=FALSE, which=1) moments_setup(env, trs=NULL, m, p, type="MC", correct=TRUE, trunc=TRUE, eq7=TRUE, which=1) SE_classic_setup(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200, interpn=2000, interval=c(-1,0.999), SElndet=NULL, which=1) SE_whichMin_setup(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200, interpn=2000, interval=c(-1,0.999), SElndet=NULL, which=1) SE_interp_setup(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200, interval=c(-1,0.999), which=1) MCMCsamp(object, mcmc = 1L, verbose = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'spautolm' MCMCsamp(object, mcmc = 1L, verbose = NULL, ..., burnin = 0L, scale=1, listw, control = list()) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' MCMCsamp(object, mcmc = 1L, verbose = NULL, ..., burnin=0L, scale=1, listw, listw2=NULL, control=list()) spautolm(formula, data = list(), listw, weights, na.action, family = "SAR", method="eigen", verbose = NULL, trs=NULL, interval=NULL, zero.policy = NULL, tol.solve=.Machine$double.eps, llprof=NULL, control=list()) ## S3 method for class 'spautolm' summary(object, correlation = FALSE,, Nagelkerke=FALSE, ...) spBreg_sac(formula, data = list(), listw, listw2=NULL, na.action, Durbin, type, zero.policy=NULL, control=list()) ## S3 method for class 'MCMC_sar_g' impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'MCMC_sem_g' impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'MCMC_sac_g' impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL) spBreg_err(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, etype, zero.policy=NULL, control=list()) spBreg_lag(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, type, zero.policy=NULL, control=list()) ## S3 method for class 'SLX' predict(object, newdata, listw, zero.policy=NULL, ...) lmSLX(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, weights=NULL, Durbin=TRUE, zero.policy=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'SLX' impacts(obj, ...) create_WX(x, listw, zero.policy=NULL, prefix="") ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' anova(object, ...) bptest.sarlm(object, varformula=NULL, studentize = TRUE, data=list()) errorsarlm(formula, data=list(), listw, na.action, weights=NULL, Durbin, etype, method="eigen", quiet=NULL, zero.policy=NULL, interval = NULL, tol.solve=1.0e-10, trs=NULL, control=list()) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' impacts(obj, ..., tr, R = NULL, listw = NULL, evalues=NULL, useHESS = NULL, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, Q=NULL) lagsarlm(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, type, method="eigen", quiet=NULL, zero.policy=NULL, interval=NULL, tol.solve=1.0e-10, trs=NULL, control=list()) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' predict(object, newdata = NULL, listw = NULL, pred.type = "TS", = FALSE, zero.policy = NULL, legacy = TRUE, legacy.mixed = FALSE, power = NULL, order = 250, tol = .Machine$double.eps^(3/5), spChk = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm.pred' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm.pred', ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' residuals(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' deviance(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' vcov(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' fitted(object, ...) sacsarlm(formula, data = list(), listw, listw2 = NULL, na.action, Durbin, type, method = "eigen", quiet = NULL, zero.policy = NULL, tol.solve = 1e-10, llprof=NULL, interval1=NULL, interval2=NULL, trs1=NULL, trs2=NULL, control = list()) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' summary(object, correlation = FALSE, Nagelkerke = FALSE, Hausman=FALSE,, ...) ## S3 method for class 'sarlm' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.sarlm' print(x, digits = max(5, .Options$digits - 3), signif.stars = FALSE, ...) trW(W=NULL, m = 30, p = 16, type = "mult", listw=NULL, momentsSymmetry=TRUE)
lw |
a binary symmetric |
zero.policy |
default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA |
control |
a list of control arguments |
quiet |
default NULL, use global !verbose option value; set to FALSE for short summary |
P |
number of columns in the grid (number of units in a horizontal axis direction) |
Q |
number of rows in the grid (number of units in a vertical axis direction.) |
type |
“rook” or “queen” |
nb |
an object of class |
glist |
list of general weights corresponding to neighbours |
style |
m |
The number of powers; must be an even number for ‘type’=“moments” (default changed from 100 to 30 (2010-11-17)) |
is |
(used internally only in |
weights |
(used internally only in |
Card |
(used internally only in |
formula |
a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details
of model specification are given for |
data |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from the environment which the function is called. |
listw |
a |
na.action |
a function (default |
robust |
default FALSE, if TRUE, apply a heteroskedasticity correction to the coefficients covariances |
HC |
default NULL, if |
legacy |
the argument chooses between two implementations of the robustness correction: default FALSE - use the estimate of Omega only in the White consistent estimator of the variance-covariance matrix, if TRUE, use the original implementation which runs a GLS using the estimate of Omega, and yields different coefficient estimates as well - see example below |
W2X |
default TRUE, if FALSE only WX are used as instruments in the spatial two stage least squares; until release 0.4-60, only WX were used - see example below |
obj |
A spatial regression object created by |
... |
Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package |
tr |
A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using |
evalues |
vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations |
n |
defaults to |
R |
If given, simulations are used to compute distributions for the impact measures, returned as |
tol |
Argument passed to |
empirical |
Argument passed to |
listw2 |
a |
pars |
starting values for lambda and sigma squared for GMM optimisation, if missing (default), approximated from initial 2sls model as the autocorrelation coefficient corrected for weights style and model sigma squared |
scaleU |
Default FALSE: scale the OLS residuals before computing the moment matrices; only used if the |
method |
default |
arnoldWied |
default FALSE |
returnHcov |
default FALSE, return the Vo matrix for a spatial Hausman test |
tol.Hcov |
the tolerance for computing the Vo matrix (default=1.0e-10) |
pWOrder |
default 250, if returnHcov=TRUE, pass this order to |
lambdaseq |
if given, an increasing sequence of lambda values for gridding |
s2seq |
if given, an increasing sequence of sigma squared values for gridding |
object |
correlation |
logical; (default=FALSE), TRUE not available |
Hausman |
if TRUE, the results of the Hausman test for error models are reported |
se.lambda |
default TRUE, use the analytical method described in |
verbose |
default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE, reports function values during optimization. |
q |
default 10; number of powers of the spatial weights to use |
start |
starting value for numerical optimization, should be a small negative number |
use_expm |
default FALSE; if TRUE use |
family |
a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model |
offset |
this can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting |
alpha |
used as a stopping rule to choose all eigenvectors up to and including the one with a p-value exceeding alpha |
nsim |
number of permutations for permutation bootstrap for finding p-values |
stdev |
if TRUE, p-value calculated from bootstrap permutation standard deviate using |
lagformula |
An extra one-sided formula to be used when a spatial lag representation is desired; the intercept is excluded within the function if present because it is part of the formula argument, but excluding it explicitly in the lagformula argument in the presence of factors generates a collinear model matrix |
zerovalue |
eigenvectors with eigenvalues of an absolute value smaller than zerovalue will be excluded in eigenvector search |
ExactEV |
Set ExactEV=TRUE to use exact expectations and variances rather than the expectation and variance of Moran's I from the previous iteration, default FALSE |
symmetric |
Should the spatial weights matrix be forced to symmetry, default TRUE |
alternative |
a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of greater, less or two.sided (default). |
x |
a |
y |
a |
W |
a |
rho |
spatial regression coefficient |
order |
Power series maximum limit |
X |
A numerical matrix |
choice |
One of three impacts: direct, indirect, or total |
trace |
Argument passed to |
density |
Argument passed to |
prob |
Argument passed to |
mu, Sigma, irho, drop2beta, bnames,
icept, iicept, p, mess, samples, zero_fill, dvars |
internal arguments shared inside impacts methods |
reportQ |
default NULL; if TRUE and |
zstats |
default FALSE, if TRUE, also return z-values and p-values for the impacts based on the simulations |
short |
default FALSE, if TRUE passed to the print summary method to omit printing of the mcmc summaries |
coef |
spatial coefficient value |
env |
environment containing pre-computed objects, fixed after assignment in setup functions |
which |
default 1; if 2, use second listw object |
con |
control list passed from model fitting function and parsed in |
pre_eig |
pre-computed eigenvalues of length n |
pivot |
default “MMD”, may also be “RCM” for Cholesky decompisition using spam |
in_coef |
fill-in initiation coefficient value, default 0.1 |
Imult |
see |
super |
see |
trs, trs1, trs2 |
A numeric vector of |
use equation 7 in Smirnov and Anselin (2009), if FALSE no unit root correction
SE_method |
default “LU”, alternatively “MC”; underlying lndet method to use for generating SE toolbox emulation grid |
nrho |
default 200, number of lndet values in first stage SE toolbox emulation grid |
interval1, interval2 |
default c(-1,0.999) if interval argument NULL, bounds for SE toolbox emulation grid |
interpn |
default 2000, number of lndet values to interpolate in second stage SE toolbox emulation grid |
SElndet |
default NULL, used to pass a pre-computed two-column matrix of coefficient values and corresponding interpolated lndet values |
mcmc |
The number of MCMC iterations after burnin |
burnin |
The number of burn-in iterations for the sampler |
scale |
a positive scale parameter |
tol.solve |
the tolerance for detecting linear dependencies in the columns of matrices to be inverted - passed to |
llprof |
default NULL, can either be an integer, to divide the feasible range into llprof points, or a sequence of spatial coefficient values, at which to evaluate the likelihood function | |
if TRUE, adjust the coefficient standard errors for the number of fitted coefficients |
Nagelkerke |
if TRUE, the Nagelkerke pseudo R-squared is reported |
Durbin |
default FALSE (spatial lag model); if TRUE, full spatial Durbin model; if a formula object, the subset of explanatory variables to lag |
etype |
(use the ‘Durbin=’ argument - retained for backwards compatibility only) default "error", may be set to "emixed" to include the spatially lagged independent variables added to X; when "emixed", the lagged intercept is dropped for spatial weights style "W", that is row-standardised weights, but otherwise included |
newdata |
data frame in which to predict — if NULL, predictions are for the data on which the model was fitted. Should have row names corresponding to If row names are exactly the same than the ones used for training, it uses in-sample predictors for forecast. See ‘Details’ |
prefix |
default empty string, may be “lag” in some cases |
varformula |
a formula describing only the potential explanatory variables for the variance (no dependent variable needed). By default the same explanatory variables are taken as in the main regression model |
studentize |
logical. If set to |
useHESS, pred.type,, legacy.mixed, power, spChk, digits, signif.stars |
other arguments in deprecated functions |
momentsSymmetry |
default TRUE; assert Smirnov/Anselin symmetry assumption |
Model-fitting functions and functions supporting model fitting are being moved to the spatialreg package.
## Not run: data(boston, package="spData") ab.listb <- nb2listw(boston.soi, style="B") er <- range(eigenw(ab.listb)) er res_1 <- lextrB(ab.listb) c(res_1) run <- FALSE if (require("RSpectra", quietly=TRUE)) run <- TRUE if (run) { B <- as(ab.listb, "CsparseMatrix") eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values } if (run) { eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values } k5 <- knn2nb(knearneigh(boston.utm, k=5)) c(l_max(nb2listw(k5, style="B"))) max(Re(eigenw(nb2listw(k5, style="B")))) c(l_max(nb2listw(k5, style="C"))) max(Re(eigenw(nb2listw(k5, style="C")))) ab.listw <- nb2listw(boston.soi, style="W") er <- range(eigenw(similar.listw(ab.listw))) er res_1 <- lextrW(ab.listw) c(res_1) if (run) { B <- as(similar.listw(ab.listw), "CsparseMatrix") eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values } if (run) { eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values } ab.listw <- nb2listw(boston.soi, style="S") er <- range(eigenw(similar.listw(ab.listw))) er res_1 <- lextrS(ab.listw) c(res_1) if (run) { B <- as(similar.listw(ab.listw), "CsparseMatrix") eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values } if (run) { eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values } rg <- cell2nb(ncol=7, nrow=7, type="rook") rg_eig <- eigenw(nb2listw(rg, style="B")) rg_GS <- griffith_sone(P=7, Q=7, type="rook") all.equal(rg_eig, rg_GS) # subgraphs data(oldcol) crds <- cbind(COL.OLD$X, COL.OLD$Y) k3 <- knn2nb(knearneigh(crds, k=3)) nc <- n.comp.nb(k3) nc$nc table(nc$ k3eig <- eigenw(nb2listw(k3, style="W")) k3eigSG <- subgraph_eigenw(k3, style="W") all.equal(sort(k3eig), k3eigSG) data(oldcol) COL.lag.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb)) summary(COL.lag.eig, correlation=TRUE) COL.lag.stsls <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb)) summary(COL.lag.stsls, correlation=TRUE) COL.lag.stslsW <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), W2X=FALSE) summary(COL.lag.stslsW, correlation=TRUE) COL.lag.stslsR <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), robust=TRUE, W2X=FALSE) summary(COL.lag.stslsR, correlation=TRUE) COL.lag.stslsRl <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), robust=TRUE, legacy=TRUE, W2X=FALSE) summary(COL.lag.stslsRl, correlation=TRUE) data(boston, package="spData") gp2a <- stsls(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT), data=boston.c, nb2listw(boston.soi)) summary(gp2a) columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) listw <- nb2listw( ev <- eigenw(listw) W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix") trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult") lobj1 <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw) loobj1 <- impacts(lobj1, R=200, tr=trMatc) summary(loobj1, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) loobj2 <- impacts(lobj1, R=200, evalues=ev) summary(loobj2, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) library(coda) HPDinterval(loobj1) lobj1r <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, robust=TRUE) loobj1r <- impacts(lobj1r, tr=trMatc, R=200) summary(loobj1r, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) data(oldcol) COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"), method="eigen") summary(COL.errW.eig, Hausman=TRUE) COL.errW.GM <- GMerrorsar(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"), returnHcov=TRUE) summary(COL.errW.GM, Hausman=TRUE) aa <- GMargminImage(COL.errW.GM) levs <- quantile(aa$z, seq(0, 1, 1/12)) image(aa, breaks=levs, xlab="lambda", ylab="s2") points(COL.errW.GM$lambda, COL.errW.GM$s2, pch=3, lwd=2) contour(aa, levels=signif(levs, 4), add=TRUE) COL.errW.GM1 <- GMerrorsar(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")) summary(COL.errW.GM1) nydata <- st_read(system.file("shapes/NY8_bna_utm18.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file( "misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1])) suppressMessages(ID <- as.character(names(foreign::read.dbf(system.file( "misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1]))[-1])) identical(substring(ID, 2, 10), substring(as.character(nydata$AREAKEY), 2, 10)) nyadjlw <- mat2listw(nyadjmat, as.character(nydata$AREAKEY)) listw_NY <- nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B") esar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="eigen") summary(esar1f) esar1gm <- GMerrorsar(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY) summary(esar1gm) esar1gm1 <- GMerrorsar(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, method="Nelder-Mead") summary(esar1gm1) data(baltimore, package="spData") baltimore$AGE <- ifelse(baltimore$AGE < 1, 1, baltimore$AGE) lw <- nb2listw(knn2nb(knearneigh(cbind(baltimore$X, baltimore$Y), k=7))) obj1 <- lm(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore) lm.morantest(obj1, lw) lm.LMtests(obj1, lw, test="all") system.time(obj2 <- lagmess(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw)) summary(obj2) system.time(obj2a <- lagmess(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw, use_expm=TRUE)) summary(obj2a) obj3 <- lagsarlm(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw) summary(obj3) data(boston, package="spData") lw <- nb2listw(boston.soi) gp2 <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT), data=boston.c, lw, method="Matrix") summary(gp2) gp2a <- lagmess(CMEDV ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT), data=boston.c, lw) summary(gp2a) columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) lmbase <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus) lagcol <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ 1, ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,, style="W", alpha=0.1, verbose=TRUE) lagcol lmlag <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol), data=columbus) anova(lmbase, lmlag) set.seed(123) lagcol1 <- ME(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus, family="gaussian", listw=nb2listw(, alpha=0.1, verbose=TRUE) lagcol1 lmlag1 <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol1), data=columbus) anova(lmbase, lmlag1) set.seed(123) lagcol2 <- ME(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus, family="gaussian", listw=nb2listw(, alpha=0.1, stdev=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) lagcol2 lmlag2 <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol2), data=columbus) anova(lmbase, lmlag2) NA.columbus <- columbus NA.columbus$CRIME[20:25] <- NA COL.ME.NA <- ME(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.columbus, family="gaussian", listw=nb2listw(, alpha=0.1, stdev=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, na.action=na.exclude) COL.ME.NA$na.action summary(lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(COL.ME.NA), data=NA.columbus, na.action=na.exclude)) #nc.sids <- st_read(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) #rn <- as.character(nc.sids$FIPS) #ncCC89_nb <-"weights/", package="spData")[1], # #ncCR85_nb <-"weights/", package="spData")[1], # #glmbase <- glm(SID74 ~ 1, data=nc.sids, offset=log(BIR74), # family="poisson") #set.seed(123) #MEpois1 <- ME(SID74 ~ 1, data=nc.sids, offset=log(BIR74), # family="poisson", listw=nb2listw(ncCR85_nb, style="B"), alpha=0.2, verbose=TRUE) #MEpois1 #glmME <- glm(SID74 ~ 1 + fitted(MEpois1), data=nc.sids, offset=log(BIR74), # family="poisson") #anova(glmME, test="Chisq") #anova(glmbase, glmME, test="Chisq") data(hopkins, package="spData") hopkins_part <- hopkins[21:36,36:21] hopkins_part[which(hopkins_part > 0, arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 1 hopkins.rook.nb <- cell2nb(16, 16, type="rook") glmbase <- glm(c(hopkins_part) ~ 1, family="binomial") set.seed(123) MEbinom1 <- ME(c(hopkins_part) ~ 1, family="binomial", listw=nb2listw(hopkins.rook.nb, style="B"), alpha=0.2, verbose=TRUE) glmME <- glm(c(hopkins_part) ~ 1 + fitted(MEbinom1), family="binomial") anova(glmME, test="Chisq") anova(glmbase, glmME, test="Chisq") columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) lmbase <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus) sarcol <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,, style="W", ExactEV=TRUE) sarcol lmsar <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(sarcol), data=columbus) lmsar anova(lmbase, lmsar) lm.morantest(lmsar, nb2listw( lagcol <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ 1, ~ INC + HOVAL - 1, data=columbus,, style="W") lagcol lmlag <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol), data=columbus) lmlag anova(lmbase, lmlag) lm.morantest(lmlag, nb2listw( NA.columbus <- columbus NA.columbus$CRIME[20:25] <- NA COL.SF.NA <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.columbus,, style="W", na.action=na.exclude) COL.SF.NA$na.action summary(lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(COL.SF.NA), data=NA.columbus, na.action=na.exclude)) columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) mixed <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, nb2listw(, type="mixed") error <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, nb2listw( LR.sarlm(mixed, error) Hausman.test(error) columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) col.listw <- nb2listw( if (require("spam", quietly=TRUE)) { col.sp <- as.spam.listw(col.listw) str(col.sp) } suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file( "misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1])) nyadjlw <- mat2listw(nyadjmat) listw_NY <- nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B") library(Matrix) W_C <- as(listw_NY, "CsparseMatrix") W_R <- as(listw_NY, "RsparseMatrix") W_S <- as(listw_NY, "symmetricMatrix") n <- nrow(W_S) I <- Diagonal(n) rho <- 0.1 c(determinant(I - rho * W_S, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus) sum(log(1 - rho * eigenw(listw_NY))) nW <- - W_S nChol <- Cholesky(nW, Imult=8) n * log(rho) + (2 * c(determinant(update(nChol, nW, 1/rho))$modulus)) nb7rt <- cell2nb(7, 7, torus=TRUE) x <- matrix(sample(rnorm(500*length(nb7rt))), nrow=length(nb7rt)) W <- as(nb2listw(nb7rt), "CsparseMatrix") system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.9, X=x)) #all.equal(e, as(ee, "matrix"), check.attributes=FALSE) system.time(e <- invIrM(nb7rt, rho=0.98, method="solve", feasible=NULL) %*% x) system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.98, X=x)) str(attr(ee, "internal")) all.equal(e, as(ee, "matrix"), check.attributes=FALSE) system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.98, order=1000, X=x)) all.equal(e, as(ee, "matrix"), check.attributes=FALSE) nb60rt <- cell2nb(60, 60, torus=TRUE) W <- as(nb2listw(nb60rt), "CsparseMatrix") set.seed(1) x <- matrix(rnorm(dim(W)[1]), ncol=1) system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.3, X=x)) str(as(ee, "matrix")) obj <- errorsarlm(as(ee, "matrix")[,1] ~ 1, listw=nb2listw(nb60rt), method="Matrix") coefficients(obj) data(oldcol) W.eig <- eigenw(nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")) 1/range(W.eig) S.eig <- eigenw(nb2listw(COL.nb, style="S")) 1/range(S.eig) B.eig <- eigenw(nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B")) 1/range(B.eig) # cases for intrinsically asymmetric weights crds <- cbind(COL.OLD$X, COL.OLD$Y) k3 <- knn2nb(knearneigh(crds, k=3)) is.symmetric.nb(k3) k3eig <- eigenw(nb2listw(k3, style="W")) is.complex(k3eig) rho <- 0.5 Jc <- sum(log(1 - rho * k3eig)) # complex eigenvalue Jacobian Jc W <- as(nb2listw(k3, style="W"), "CsparseMatrix") I <- diag(length(k3)) Jl <- sum(log(abs(diag(slot(lu(I - rho * W), "U"))))) # LU Jacobian equals complex eigenvalue Jacobian Jl all.equal(Re(Jc), Jl) # wrong value if only real part used Jr <- sum(log(1 - rho * Re(k3eig))) Jr all.equal(Jr, Jl) # construction of Jacobian from complex conjugate pairs (Jan Hauke) Rev <- Re(k3eig)[which(Im(k3eig) == 0)] # real eigenvalues Cev <- k3eig[which(Im(k3eig) != 0)] pCev <- Cev[Im(Cev) > 0] # separate complex conjugate pairs RpCev <- Re(pCev) IpCev <- Im(pCev) # reassemble Jacobian Jc1 <- sum(log(1 - rho*Rev)) + sum(log((1 - rho * RpCev)^2 + (rho^2)*(IpCev^2))) all.equal(Re(Jc), Jc1) # impact of omitted complex part term in real part only Jacobian Jc2 <- sum(log(1 - rho*Rev)) + sum(log((1 - rho * RpCev)^2)) all.equal(Jr, Jc2) # trace of asymmetric (WW) and crossprod of complex eigenvalues for APLE sum(diag(W %*% W)) crossprod(k3eig) # analytical regular grid eigenvalues run <- FALSE if (require("RSpectra", quietly=TRUE)) run <- TRUE if (run) { rg <- cell2nb(ncol=7, nrow=7, type="rook") B <- as(nb2listw(rg, style="B"), "CsparseMatrix") res1 <- eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values resn <- eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values print(Re(c(resn, res1))) } if (run) { rg_eig <- eigenw(nb2listw(rg, style="B")) print(all.equal(range(Re(rg_eig)), c(resn, res1))) } if (run) { lw <- nb2listw(rg, style="W") rg_eig <- eigenw(similar.listw(lw)) print(range(Re(rg_eig))) } if (run) { W <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix") print(Re(c(eigs(W, k=1, which="SR")$values, eigs(W, k=1, which="LR")$values))) } data(oldcol) COL.W <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") COL.S <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="S") sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(COL.W))) sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(similar.listw(COL.W)))) W_J <- as(as_dsTMatrix_listw(similar.listw(COL.W)), "CsparseMatrix") I <- as_dsCMatrix_I(dim(W_J)[1]) c(determinant(I - 0.5 * W_J, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus) sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(COL.S))) sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(similar.listw(COL.S)))) W_J <- as(as_dsTMatrix_listw(similar.listw(COL.S)), "CsparseMatrix") c(determinant(I - 0.5 * W_J, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus) data(boston, package="spData") lw <- nb2listw(boston.soi) can.sim <- env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("verbose", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) eigen_setup(env) get("similar", envir=env) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("verbose", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env) eigen_pre_setup(env, pre_eig=eigenw(similar.listw(lw))) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env) Matrix_setup(env, Imult=2, super=FALSE) get("similar", envir=env) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) if (require("spam", quietly=TRUE)) { env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env) assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) spam_setup(env) get("similar", envir=env) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) } env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) LU_setup(env) get("similar", envir=env) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) LU_prepermutate_setup(env) get("similar", envir=env) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) cheb_setup(env, q=5) get("similar", envir=env) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) env <- new.env(parent=globalenv()) assign("listw", lw, envir=env) assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env) assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env) assign("family", "SAR", envir=env) set.seed(12345) mcdet_setup(env, p=16, m=30) get("similar", envir=env) do_ldet(0.5, env) rm(env) nydata <- st_read(system.file("shapes/NY8_bna_utm18.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file( "misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1])) suppressMessages(ID <- as.character(names(foreign::read.dbf(system.file( "misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1]))[-1])) identical(substring(ID, 2, 10), substring(as.character(nydata$AREAKEY), 2, 10)) nyadjlw <- mat2listw(nyadjmat) listw_NY <- nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B") esar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="eigen") summary(esar1f) res <- MCMCsamp(esar1f, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) #esar1fw <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="eigen") #summary(esar1fw) #res <- MCMCsamp(esar1fw, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) #summary(res) ecar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="CAR", method="eigen") summary(ecar1f) res <- MCMCsamp(ecar1f, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) #esar1fw <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="eigen") #summary(esar1fw) #res <- MCMCsamp(esar1fw, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) #summary(res) #ecar1fw <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="CAR", method="eigen") #summary(ecar1fw) #res <- MCMCsamp(ecar1fw, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) #summary(res) esar0 <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY) summary(esar0) res <- MCMCsamp(esar0, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) #esar0w <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8) #summary(esar0w) #res <- MCMCsamp(esar0w, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) #summary(res) esar1 <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, etype="emixed") summary(esar1) res <- MCMCsamp(esar1, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) lsar0 <- lagsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY) summary(lsar0) res <- MCMCsamp(lsar0, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) lsar1 <- lagsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, type="mixed") summary(lsar1) res <- MCMCsamp(lsar1, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) ssar0 <- sacsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY) summary(ssar0) res <- MCMCsamp(ssar0, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) ssar1 <- sacsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, type="sacmixed") summary(ssar1) res <- MCMCsamp(ssar1, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY) summary(res) nydata <- st_read(system.file("shapes/NY8_bna_utm18.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) lm0 <- lm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata) summary(lm0) lm0w <- lm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, weights=POP8) summary(lm0w) suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file( "misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1])) suppressMessages(ID <- as.character(names(foreign::read.dbf(system.file( "misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1]))[-1])) identical(substring(ID, 2, 10), substring(as.character(nydata$AREAKEY), 2, 10)) nyadjlw <- mat2listw(nyadjmat, as.character(nydata$AREAKEY)) listw_NY <- nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B") esar0 <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY) summary(esar0) system.time(esar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="eigen")) res <- summary(esar1f) print(res) sqrt(diag(res$resvar)) sqrt(diag(esar1f$fit$imat)*esar1f$fit$s2) sqrt(diag(esar1f$fdHess)) system.time(esar1M <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="Matrix")) summary(esar1M) system.time(esar1M <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="Matrix", control=list(super=TRUE))) summary(esar1M) #esar1wf <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="eigen") #summary(esar1wf) #system.time(esar1wM <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, # data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="Matrix")) #summary(esar1wM) #esar1wlu <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="LU") #summary(esar1wlu) #esar1wch <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="Chebyshev") #summary(esar1wch) ecar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="CAR", method="eigen") summary(ecar1f) system.time(ecar1M <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="CAR", method="Matrix")) summary(ecar1M) #ecar1wf <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, # listw=listw_NY, weights=nydata$POP8, family="CAR", method="eigen") #summary(ecar1wf) #system.time(ecar1wM <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, # data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="CAR", method="Matrix")) #summary(ecar1wM) nc.sids <- st_read(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) ft.SID74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc.sids$SID74/nc.sids$BIR74) + sqrt((nc.sids$SID74+1)/nc.sids$BIR74)) lm_nc <- lm(ft.SID74 ~ 1) sids.nhbr30 <- dnearneigh(cbind(nc.sids$east, nc.sids$north), 0, 30, row.names=row.names(nc.sids)) sids.nhbr30.dist <- nbdists(sids.nhbr30, cbind(nc.sids$east, nc.sids$north)) sids.nhbr <- listw2sn(nb2listw(sids.nhbr30, glist=sids.nhbr30.dist, style="B", zero.policy=TRUE)) dij <- sids.nhbr[,3] n <- nc.sids$BIR74 el1 <- min(dij)/dij el2 <- sqrt(n[sids.nhbr$to]/n[sids.nhbr$from]) sids.nhbr$weights <- el1*el2 sids.nhbr.listw <- sn2listw(sids.nhbr) both <- factor(paste(nc.sids$L_id, nc.sids$M_id, sep=":")) ft.NWBIR74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc.sids$NWBIR74/nc.sids$BIR74) + sqrt((nc.sids$NWBIR74+1)/nc.sids$BIR74)) mdata <- data.frame(both, ft.NWBIR74, ft.SID74, BIR74=nc.sids$BIR74) outl <- which.max(rstandard(lm_nc)) as.character(nc.sids$NAME[outl]) mdata.4 <- mdata[-outl,] W <- listw2mat(sids.nhbr.listw) W.4 <- W[-outl, -outl] sids.nhbr.listw.4 <- mat2listw(W.4) esarI <- errorsarlm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw, zero.policy=TRUE) summary(esarI) esarIa <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw, family="SAR") summary(esarIa) esarIV <- errorsarlm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw, zero.policy=TRUE) summary(esarIV) esarIVa <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw, family="SAR") summary(esarIVa) #esarIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw, # weights=BIR74, family="SAR") #summary(esarIaw) #esarIIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ both - 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw, # weights=BIR74, family="SAR") #summary(esarIIaw) #esarIVaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata, # listw=sids.nhbr.listw, weights=BIR74, family="SAR") #summary(esarIVaw) #ecarIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata.4, listw=sids.nhbr.listw.4, # weights=BIR74, family="CAR") #summary(ecarIaw) #ecarIIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ both - 1, data=mdata.4, # listw=sids.nhbr.listw.4, weights=BIR74, family="CAR") #summary(ecarIIaw) #ecarIVaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata.4, # listw=sids.nhbr.listw.4, weights=BIR74, family="CAR") #summary(ecarIVaw) #nc.sids$fitIV <- append(fitted.values(ecarIVaw), NA, outl-1) #plot(nc.sids[,"fitIV"], nbreaks=12) # Cressie 1993, p. 565 data(oldcol) COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")) summary(COL.errW.eig) COL.errW.sar <- spautolm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")) summary(COL.errW.sar) data(boston, package="spData") gp1 <- spautolm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT), data=boston.c, nb2listw(boston.soi), family="SMA") summary(gp1) data(oldcol) listw <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") ev <- eigenw(listw) COL.sacW.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.sacW.eig) W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix") trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult") set.seed(1) summary(impacts(COL.sacW.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) library(coda) set.seed(1) COL.sacW.B0 <- spBreg_sac(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin=FALSE, control=list(ndraw=1500L, nomit=500L)) print(summary(COL.sacW.B0)) print(summary(impacts(COL.sacW.B0, tr=trMatc), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)) set.seed(1) COL.sacW.B1 <- spBreg_sac(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(ndraw=1500L, nomit=500L)) print(summary(COL.sacW.B1)) print(summary(impacts(COL.sacW.B1, tr=trMatc), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)) COL.msacW.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, type="sacmixed", control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.msacW.eig) set.seed(1) summary(impacts(COL.msacW.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) COL.msacW1.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.msacW1.eig) set.seed(1) summary(impacts(COL.msacW1.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) COL.msacW2.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin= ~ INC, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.msacW2.eig) summary(impacts(COL.msacW2.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) library(coda) set.seed(1) data(oldcol) lw <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw) print(summary(COL.err.Bayes)) print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01)) set.seed(1) COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, control=list(prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE))) print(summary(COL.err.Bayes)) print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01)) set.seed(1) COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE) print(summary(COL.err.Bayes)) print(summary(impacts(COL.err.Bayes))) print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01)) set.seed(1) COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE))) print(summary(COL.err.Bayes)) print(summary(impacts(COL.err.Bayes))) print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01)) set.seed(1) COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=~INC) print(summary(COL.err.Bayes)) print(summary(impacts(COL.err.Bayes))) print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01)) set.seed(1) COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=~INC, control=list(prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE))) print(summary(COL.err.Bayes)) print(summary(impacts(COL.err.Bayes))) print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01)) set.seed(1) data(oldcol) listw <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") COL.lag.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw) summary(COL.lag.Bayes) summary(impacts(COL.lag.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE) summary(impacts(COL.lag.Bayes, evalues=ev), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE) set.seed(1) COL.D0.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw, Durbin=TRUE) summary(COL.D0.Bayes) summary(impacts(COL.D0.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE) set.seed(1) COL.D1.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw, Durbin= ~ INC) summary(COL.D1.Bayes) summary(impacts(COL.D1.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE) #data(elect80, package="spData") #lw <- nb2listw(e80_queen, zero.policy=TRUE) #el_ml <- lagsarlm(log(pc_turnout) ~ log(pc_college) + log(pc_homeownership) # + log(pc_income), data=elect80, listw=lw, zero.policy=TRUE, method="LU") #summary(el_ml) #set.seed(1) #el_B <- spBreg_lag(log(pc_turnout) ~ log(pc_college) + log(pc_homeownership) # + log(pc_income), data=elect80, listw=lw, zero.policy=TRUE) #summary(el_B) #el_ml$timings #attr(el_B, "timings") data(oldcol, package="spdep") lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb) COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw) pslx0 <- predict(COL.SLX) pslx1 <- predict(COL.SLX, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw) all.equal(pslx0, pslx1) COL.OLD1 <- COL.OLD COL.OLD1$INC <- COL.OLD1$INC + 1 pslx2 <- predict(COL.SLX, newdata=COL.OLD1, listw=lw) sum(coef(COL.SLX)[c(2,4)]) mean(pslx2-pslx1) COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw) summary(COL.SLX) summary(impacts(COL.SLX)) COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + I(HOVAL^2), data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE) summary(impacts(COL.SLX)) summary(COL.SLX) COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + I(HOVAL^2), data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=~INC) summary(impacts(COL.SLX)) summary(COL.SLX) COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw) summary(COL.SLX) summary(impacts(COL.SLX)) crds <- cbind(COL.OLD$X, COL.OLD$Y) mdist <- sqrt(sum(diff(apply(crds, 2, range))^2)) dnb <- dnearneigh(crds, 0, mdist) dists <- nbdists(dnb, crds) f <- function(x, form, data, dnb, dists, verbose) { glst <- lapply(dists, function(d) 1/(d^x)) lw <- nb2listw(dnb, glist=glst, style="B") res <- logLik(lmSLX(form=form, data=data, listw=lw)) if (verbose) cat("power:", x, "logLik:", res, "\n") res } opt <- optimize(f, interval=c(0.1, 4), form=CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, dnb=dnb, dists=dists, verbose=TRUE, maximum=TRUE) glst <- lapply(dists, function(d) 1/(d^opt$maximum)) lw <- nb2listw(dnb, glist=glst, style="B") SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw) summary(SLX) summary(impacts(SLX)) columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) # fit models for comparison lm.mod <- lm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus) lag <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, nb2listw( mixed <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, nb2listw(, Durbin=TRUE) error <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, nb2listw( # compare nested models LR.sarlm(mixed, error) #anova(lag, lm.mod) #anova(lag, error, mixed) AIC(lag, error, mixed) columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) error.col <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, nb2listw( bptest.sarlm(error.col) bptest.sarlm(error.col, studentize=FALSE) <- lm(error.col$tary ~ error.col$tarX - 1) if (require(lmtest) && require(sandwich)) { print(coeftest(, vcov=vcovHC(, type="HC0"), df=Inf)) } data(oldcol) lw <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") ev <- eigenw(similar.listw(lw)) COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, quiet=FALSE, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.errW.eig) COL.errW.eig_ev <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) all.equal(coefficients(COL.errW.eig), coefficients(COL.errW.eig_ev)) COL.errB.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B")) summary(COL.errB.eig) W <- as(nb2listw(COL.nb), "CsparseMatrix") trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult") COL.errW.M <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="Matrix", quiet=FALSE, trs=trMatc) summary(COL.errW.M) COL.SDEM.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, etype="emixed", control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.SDEM.eig) COL.SDEM.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.SDEM.eig) COL.SDEM.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, Durbin=~INC, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.SDEM.eig) summary(impacts(COL.SDEM.eig)) NA.COL.OLD <- COL.OLD NA.COL.OLD$CRIME[20:25] <- NA COL.err.NA <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), na.action=na.exclude) COL.err.NA$na.action COL.err.NA resid(COL.err.NA) lw <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") print(system.time(ev <- eigenw(similar.listw(lw)))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev)))) ocoef <- coefficients(COL.errW.eig) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev, LAPACK=FALSE)))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev, compiled_sse=TRUE)))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="Matrix_J", control=list(super=TRUE)))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="Matrix_J", control=list(super=FALSE)))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="Matrix_J", control=list(super=as.logical(NA))))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="Matrix", control=list(super=TRUE)))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="Matrix", control=list(super=FALSE)))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="Matrix", control=list(super=as.logical(NA))))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) if (require("spam", quietly=TRUE)) { print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="spam", control=list(spamPivot="MMD")))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="spam", control=list(spamPivot="RCM")))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="spam_update", control=list(spamPivot="MMD")))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, method="spam_update", control=list(spamPivot="RCM")))) print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig))) } columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) listw <- nb2listw( ev <- eigenw(listw) lobj <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(lobj) mobj <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(mobj) mobj1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, Durbin= ~ INC, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(mobj1) W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix") trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult") trMC <- trW(W, type="MC") set.seed(1) impacts(lobj, listw=listw) impacts(lobj, tr=trMatc) impacts(lobj, tr=trMC) impacts(lobj, evalues=ev) library(coda) lobjIQ5 <- impacts(lobj, tr=trMatc, R=200, Q=5) summary(lobjIQ5, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) summary(lobjIQ5, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE, reportQ=TRUE) impacts(mobj, listw=listw) impacts(mobj, tr=trMatc) impacts(mobj, tr=trMC) impacts(mobj1, tr=trMatc) impacts(mobj1, listw=listw) cat(try(impacts(mobj, evalues=ev), silent=TRUE), "\n") summary(impacts(mobj, tr=trMatc, R=200), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE) summary(impacts(mobj1, tr=trMatc, R=200), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE) #xobj <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw) #summary(impacts(xobj)) eobj <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, etype="emixed") summary(impacts(eobj), adjust_k=TRUE) mobj1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, type="mixed", method="Matrix", control=list(fdHess=TRUE)) summary(mobj1) set.seed(1) summary(impacts(mobj1, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) summary(impacts(mobj, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) mobj2 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, type="mixed", method="Matrix", control=list(fdHess=TRUE, optimHess=TRUE)) summary(impacts(mobj2, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) if (require("spam", quietly=TRUE)) { mobj3 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, type="mixed", method="spam", control=list(fdHess=TRUE)) summary(impacts(mobj3, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) } data(boston, package="spData") Wb <- as(nb2listw(boston.soi), "CsparseMatrix") trMatb <- trW(Wb, type="mult") gp2mMi <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT), data=boston.c, nb2listw(boston.soi), type="mixed", method="Matrix", control=list(fdHess=TRUE), trs=trMatb) summary(gp2mMi) summary(impacts(gp2mMi, tr=trMatb, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) #data(house, package="spData") #lw <- nb2listw(LO_nb) #form <- formula(log(price) ~ age + I(age^2) + I(age^3) + log(lotsize) + # rooms + log(TLA) + beds + syear) #lobj <- lagsarlm(form, house, lw, method="Matrix", # control=list(fdHess=TRUE), trs=trMat) #summary(lobj) #loobj <- impacts(lobj, tr=trMat, R=1000) #summary(loobj, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) #lobj1 <- stsls(form, house, lw) #loobj1 <- impacts(lobj1, tr=trMat, R=1000) #summary(loobj1, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) #mobj <- lagsarlm(form, house, lw, type="mixed", # method="Matrix", control=list(fdHess=TRUE), trs=trMat) #summary(mobj) #moobj <- impacts(mobj, tr=trMat, R=1000) #summary(moobj, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) data(oldcol) listw <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") ev <- eigenw(listw) W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix") trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult") COL.lag.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw, method="eigen", quiet=FALSE, control=list(pre_eig=ev, OrdVsign=1)) summary(COL.lag.eig, correlation=TRUE) COL.lag.eig$fdHess COL.lag.eig$resvar # using the apparent sign in Ord (1975, equation B.1) COL.lag.eigb <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw, method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev, OrdVsign=-1)) summary(COL.lag.eigb) COL.lag.eigb$fdHess COL.lag.eigb$resvar # force numerical Hessian COL.lag.eig1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw, method="Matrix", control=list(small=25)) summary(COL.lag.eig1) COL.lag.eig1$fdHess # force LeSage & Pace (2008, p. 57) approximation COL.lag.eig1a <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw, method="Matrix", control=list(small=25), trs=trMatc) summary(COL.lag.eig1a) COL.lag.eig1a$fdHess COL.lag.eig$resvar[2,2] # using the apparent sign in Ord (1975, equation B.1) COL.lag.eigb$resvar[2,2] # force numerical Hessian COL.lag.eig1$fdHess[1,1] # force LeSage & Pace (2008, p. 57) approximation COL.lag.eig1a$fdHess[2,2] system.time(COL.lag.M <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), method="Matrix", quiet=FALSE)) summary(COL.lag.M) impacts(COL.lag.M, listw=nb2listw(COL.nb)) if (require("spam", quietly=TRUE)) { system.time(COL.lag.sp <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), method="spam", quiet=FALSE)) summary(COL.lag.sp) } COL.lag.B <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B")) summary(COL.lag.B) COL.mixed.B <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B"), type="mixed", tol.solve=1e-9, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.mixed.B) COL.mixed.W <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, type="mixed", control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.mixed.W) COL.mixed.D00 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.mixed.D00) COL.mixed.D01 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin=FALSE, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.mixed.D01) COL.mixed.D1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin= ~ INC + HOVAL, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.mixed.D1) f <- CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL COL.mixed.D2 <- lagsarlm(f, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin=as.formula(delete.response(terms(f))), control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.mixed.D2) COL.mixed.D1a <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin= ~ INC, control=list(pre_eig=ev)) summary(COL.mixed.D1a) try(COL.mixed.D1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin= ~ inc + HOVAL, control=list(pre_eig=ev))) try(COL.mixed.D1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin= ~ DISCBD + HOVAL, control=list(pre_eig=ev))) NA.COL.OLD <- COL.OLD NA.COL.OLD$CRIME[20:25] <- NA COL.lag.NA <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), na.action=na.exclude, control=list(tol.opt=.Machine$double.eps^0.4)) COL.lag.NA$na.action COL.lag.NA resid(COL.lag.NA) data(boston, package="spData") gp2mM <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT), data=boston.c, nb2listw(boston.soi), type="mixed", method="Matrix") summary(gp2mM) W <- as(nb2listw(boston.soi), "CsparseMatrix") trMatb <- trW(W, type="mult") gp2mMi <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT), data=boston.c, nb2listw(boston.soi), type="mixed", method="Matrix", trs=trMatb) summary(gp2mMi) data(oldcol) lw <- nb2listw(COL.nb) COL.lag.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw) COL.mix.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, type="mixed") print(p1 <- predict(COL.mix.eig)) #print(p2 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS", # legacy.mixed = TRUE)) AIC(COL.mix.eig) sqrt(deviance(COL.mix.eig)/length(COL.nb)) sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(p1))^2)/length(COL.nb)) #sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(p2))^2)/length(COL.nb)) COL.err.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw) AIC(COL.err.eig) sqrt(deviance(COL.err.eig)/length(COL.nb)) sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.err.eig)))^2)/length(COL.nb)) #sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.err.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, # listw=lw, pred.type = "TS")))^2)/length(COL.nb)) COL.SDerr.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, etype="emixed") AIC(COL.SDerr.eig) sqrt(deviance(COL.SDerr.eig)/length(COL.nb)) sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.SDerr.eig)))^2)/length(COL.nb)) #sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.SDerr.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, # listw=lw, pred.type = "TS")))^2)/length(COL.nb)) AIC(COL.lag.eig) sqrt(deviance(COL.lag.eig)/length(COL.nb)) sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.lag.eig)))^2)/length(COL.nb)) #sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.lag.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, # listw=lw, pred.type = "TS")))^2)/length(COL.nb)) #p3 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS", # legacy=FALSE, legacy.mixed = TRUE) #all.equal(p2, p3, check.attributes=FALSE) #p4 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS", # legacy=FALSE, power=TRUE, legacy.mixed = TRUE) #all.equal(p2, p4, check.attributes=FALSE) #p5 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS", # legacy=TRUE, power=TRUE, legacy.mixed = TRUE) #all.equal(p2, p5, check.attributes=FALSE) data(oldcol) listw <- nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W") ev <- eigenw(listw) COL.sacW.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.sacW.eig) W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix") trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult") set.seed(1) summary(impacts(COL.sacW.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) COL.msacW.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, type="sacmixed", control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.msacW.eig) set.seed(1) summary(impacts(COL.msacW.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) COL.msacW1.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.msacW1.eig) set.seed(1) summary(impacts(COL.msacW1.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) COL.msacW2.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw, Durbin= ~ INC, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev)) summary(COL.msacW2.eig) summary(impacts(COL.msacW2.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE) data(oldcol) COL.mix.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), type="mixed", method="eigen") summary(COL.mix.eig, correlation=TRUE, Nagelkerke=TRUE) COL.mix.M <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb), type="mixed", method="Matrix") summary(COL.mix.M, correlation=TRUE, Nagelkerke=TRUE) COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"), method="eigen") summary(COL.errW.eig, correlation=TRUE, Nagelkerke=TRUE, Hausman=TRUE) columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1]) listw <- nb2listw( W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix") system.time(trMat <- trW(W, type="mult")) str(trMat) set.seed(1100) system.time(trMC <- trW(W, type="MC")) str(trMC) plot(trMat, trMC) abline(a=0, b=1) for(i in 3:length(trMC)) { segments(trMat[i], trMC[i]-2*attr(trMC, "sd")[i], trMat[i], trMC[i]+2*attr(trMC, "sd")[i]) } listwS <- similar.listw(listw) W <- Matrix::forceSymmetric(as(listwS, "CsparseMatrix")) system.time(trmom <- trW(W, m=24, type="moments")) str(trmom) all.equal(trMat[1:24], trmom, check.attributes=FALSE) system.time(trMat <- trW(W, m=24, type="mult")) str(trMat) all.equal(trMat, trmom, check.attributes=FALSE) set.seed(1) system.time(trMC <- trW(W, m=24, type="MC")) str(trMC) data(boston, package="spData") listw <- nb2listw(boston.soi) listwS <- similar.listw(listw) system.time(trmom <- trW(listw=listwS, m=24, type="moments")) str(trmom) library(parallel) nc <- detectCores(logical=FALSE) # set nc to 1L here if (nc > 1L) nc <- 1L coresOpt <- get.coresOption() invisible(set.coresOption(nc)) if(!get.mcOption()) { cl <- makeCluster(get.coresOption()) set.ClusterOption(cl) } ## End(Not run) #dontrun
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