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taxize parameters


Information on standardized parameters across the package

Standardized parameters

  • sci: scientific name

  • com: common name

  • id: name identifier

  • sci_com: scientific name or common name

  • sci_id: scientific name or name identifier

We were going to standardize parameter names for cases in which a parameter accepts either of three options: scientific name, common name, or name identifier. However, there was no clear parameter name we could use for this case, so we've left parameter names as they are for the two cases (get_ids() and vascan_search())


Taxonomic Information from Around the Web

Scott Chamberlain [aut] (<>), Eduard Szoecs [aut], Zachary Foster [aut, cre], Zebulun Arendsee [aut], Carl Boettiger [ctb], Karthik Ram [ctb], Ignasi Bartomeus [ctb], John Baumgartner [ctb], James O'Donnell [ctb], Jari Oksanen [ctb], Bastian Greshake Tzovaras [ctb], Philippe Marchand [ctb], Vinh Tran [ctb], Maëlle Salmon [ctb], Gaopeng Li [ctb], Matthias Grenié [ctb], rOpenSci [fnd] (
Initial release

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