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Gaussian Covariance Model


RMgauss is a stationary isotropic covariance model. The corresponding covariance function only depends on the distance r ≥ 0 between two points and is given by



RMgauss(var, scale, Aniso, proj)



optional arguments; same meaning for any RMmodel. If not passed, the above covariance function remains unmodified.


This model is called Gaussian because of the functional similarity of the spectral density of a process with that covariance function to the Gaussian probability density function.

The Gaussian model has an infinitely differentiable covariance function. This smoothness is artificial. Furthermore, this often leads to singular matrices and therefore numerically instable procedures (cf. Stein, M. L. (1999), p. 29).

The Gaussian model is included in the symmetric stable class (see RMstable) for the choice alpha = 2.


RMgauss returns an object of class RMmodel.


The use of RMgauss is questionable from both a theoretical (analytical paths) and a practical point of view (e.g. speed of algorithms). Instead, RMgneiting should be used.



Gelfand, A. E., Diggle, P., Fuentes, M. and Guttorp, P. (eds.) (2010) Handbook of Spatial Statistics. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRL.

Stein, M. L. (1999) Interpolation of Spatial Data. New York: Springer-Verlag

See Also

RMstable and RMmatern for generalizations;
RMmodel, RFsimulate, RFfit.

Do not mix up with RPgauss or RRgauss.


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again
model <- RMgauss(scale=0.4)
x <- seq(0, 10, 0.02)
lines(RMgauss(), col="red")
plot(RFsimulate(model, x=x))


Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields

GPL (>= 3)
Martin Schlather [aut, cre], Alexander Malinowski [aut], Marco Oesting [aut], Daphne Boecker [aut], Kirstin Strokorb [aut], Sebastian Engelke [aut], Johannes Martini [aut], Felix Ballani [aut], Olga Moreva [aut], Jonas Auel[ctr], Peter Menck [ctr], Sebastian Gross [ctr], Ulrike Ober [ctb], Paulo Ribeiro [ctb], Brian D. Ripley [ctb], Richard Singleton [ctb], Ben Pfaff [ctb], R Core Team [ctb]
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