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Genetic Algorithm searching for an optimal k-variable subset


Given a set of variables, a Genetic Algorithm algorithm seeks a k-variable subset which is optimal, as a surrogate for the whole set, with respect to a given criterion.


genetic( mat, kmin, kmax = kmin, popsize = max(100,2*ncol(mat)), nger = 100,
mutate = FALSE, mutprob = 0.01, maxclone = 5, exclude = NULL,
include = NULL, improvement = TRUE, setseed= FALSE, criterion = "default",
pcindices = "first_k", initialpop = NULL, force = FALSE, H=NULL, r=0,



a covariance/correlation, information or sums of squares and products matrix of the variables from which the k-subset is to be selected. See the Details section below.


the cardinality of the smallest subset that is wanted.


the cardinality of the largest subset that is wanted.


integer variable indicating the size of the population.


integer variable giving the number of generations for which the genetic algorithm will run.


logical variable indicating whether each child undergoes a mutation, with probability mutprob. By default, FALSE.


variable giving the probability of each child undergoing a mutation, if mutate is TRUE. By default, 0.01. High values slow down the algorithm considerably and tend to replicate the same solution.


integer variable specifying the maximum number of identical replicates (clones) of individuals that is acceptable in the population. Serves to ensure that the population has sufficient genetic diversity, which is necessary to enable the algorithm to complete the specified number of generations. However, even maxclone=0 does not guarantee that there are no repetitions: only the offspring of couples are tested for clones. If any such clones are rejected, they are replaced by a k-variable subset chosen at random, without any further clone tests.


a vector of variables (referenced by their row/column numbers in matrix mat) that are to be forcibly excluded from the subsets.


a vector of variables (referenced by their row/column numbers in matrix mat) that are to be forcibly included in the subsets.


a logical variable indicating whether or not the best final subset (for each cardinality) is to be passed as input to a local improvement algorithm (see function improve).


logical variable indicating whether to fix an initial seed for the random number generator, which will be re-used in future calls to this function whenever setseed is again set to TRUE.


Character variable, which indicates which criterion is to be used in judging the quality of the subsets. Currently, the "Rm", "Rv", "Gcd", "Tau2", "Xi2", "Zeta2", "ccr12" and "Wald" criteria are supported (see the Details section, the References and the links rm.coef, rv.coef, gcd.coef, tau2.coef, xi2.coef, zeta2.coef and ccr12.coef for further details). The default criterion is "Rm" if parameter r is zero (exploratory and PCA problems), "Wald" if r is equal to one and mat has a "FisherI" attribute set to TRUE (generalized linear models), and "Tau2" otherwise (multivariate linear model framework).


either a vector of ranks of Principal Components that are to be used for comparison with the k-variable subsets (for the Gcd criterion only, see gcd.coef) or the default text first_k. The latter will associate PCs 1 to k with each cardinality k that has been requested by the user.


vector, matrix or 3-d array of initial population for the genetic algorithm. If a single cardinality is required, initialpop may be a popsize x k matrix or a popsize x k x 1 array (as produced by the $subsets output value of any of the algorithm functions anneal, genetic, or improve). If more than one cardinality is requested, initialpop must be a popsize x kmax x length(kmin:kmax) 3-d array (as produced by the $subsets output value).

If the exclude and/or include options are used, initialpop must also respect those requirements.


a logical variable indicating whether, for large data sets (currently p > 400) the algorithm should proceed anyways, regardless of possible memory problems which may crash the R session.


Effect description matrix. Not used with the Rm, Rv or Gcd criteria, hence the NULL default value. See the Details section below.


Expected rank of the effects (H) matrix. Not used with the Rm, Rv or Gcd criteria. See the Details section below.


the tolerance level for the reciprocal of the 2-norm condition number of the correlation/covariance matrix, i.e., for the ratio of the smallest to the largest eigenvalue of the input matrix. Matrices with a reciprocal of the condition number smaller than tolval will activate a restricted-search for well conditioned subsets.


the tolerance level for symmetry of the covariance/correlation/total matrix and for the effects (H) matrix. If corresponding matrix entries differ by more than this value, the input matrices will be considered asymmetric and execution will be aborted. If corresponding entries are different, but by less than this value, the input matrix will be replaced by its symmetric part, i.e., input matrix A becomes (A+t(A))/2.


For each cardinality k (with k ranging from kmin to kmax), an initial population of popsize k-variable subsets is randomly selected from a full set of p variables. In each iteration, popsize/2 couples are formed from among the population and each couple generates a child (a new k-variable subset) which inherits properties of its parents (specifically, it inherits all variables common to both parents and a random selection of variables in the symmetric difference of its parents' genetic makeup). Each offspring may optionally undergo a mutation (in the form of a local improvement algorithm – see function improve), with a user-specified probability. The parents and offspring are ranked according to their criterion value, and the best popsize of these k-subsets will make up the next generation, which is used as the current population in the subsequent iteration.

The stopping rule for the algorithm is the number of generations (nger).

Optionally, the best k-variable subset produced by the Genetic Algorithm may be passed as input to a restricted local improvement algorithm, for possible further improvement (see function improve).

The user may force variables to be included and/or excluded from the k-subsets, and may specify an initial population.

For each cardinality k, the total number of calls to the procedure which computes the criterion values is popsize + nger x popsize/2. These calls are the dominant computational effort in each iteration of the algorithm.

In order to improve computation times, the bulk of computations are carried out by a Fortran routine. Further details about the Genetic Algorithm can be found in Reference 1 and in the comments to the Fortran code (in the src subdirectory for this package). For datasets with a very large number of variables (currently p > 400), it is necessary to set the force argument to TRUE for the function to run, but this may cause a session crash if there is not enough memory available.

The function checks for ill-conditioning of the input matrix (specifically, it checks whether the ratio of the input matrix's smallest and largest eigenvalues is less than tolval). For an ill-conditioned input matrix, the search is restricted to its well-conditioned subsets. The function trim.matrix may be used to obtain a well-conditioned input matrix.

In a general descriptive (Principal Components Analysis) setting, the three criteria Rm, Rv and Gcd can be used to select good k-variable subsets. Arguments H and r are not used in this context. See references [1] and [2] and the Examples for a more detailed discussion.

In the setting of a multivariate linear model, X = A B + U, criteria Ccr12, Tau2, Xi2 and Zeta2 can be used to select subsets according to their contribution to an effect characterized by the violation of a reference hypothesis, CB = 0 (see reference [3] for further details). In this setting, arguments mat and H should be set respectively to the usual Total (Hypothesis + Error) and Hypothesis, Sum of Squares and Cross-Products (SSCP) matrices. Argument r should be set to the expected rank of H. Currently, for reasons of computational efficiency, criterion Ccr12 is available only when \code{r}<=3. Particular cases in this setting include Linear Discriminant Analyis (LDA), Linear Regression Analysis (LRA), Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) with one set of variables fixed and several extensions of these and other classical multivariate methodologies.

In the setting of a generalized linear model, criterion Wald can be used to select subsets according to the (lack of) significance of the discarded variables, as measured by the respective Wald's statistic (see reference [4] for further details). In this setting arguments mat and H should be set respectively to FI and FI %*% b %*% t(b) %*% FI, where b is a column vector of variable coefficient estimates and FI is an estimate of the corresponding Fisher information matrix.

The auxiliary functions lmHmat, ldaHmat glhHmat and glmHmat are provided to automatically create the matrices mat and H in all the cases considered.


A list with five items:


A popsize x kmax x length(kmin:kmax) 3-dimensional array, giving for each cardinality (dimension 3) and each subset in the final population (dimension 1) the list of variables (referenced by their row/column numbers in matrix mat) in the subset (dimension 2). (For cardinalities smaller than kmax, the extra final positions are set to zero).


A popsize x length(kmin:kmax) matrix, giving for each cardinality (columns), the (ordered) criterion values of the popsize (rows) subsets in the final generation.


A length(kmin:kmax) vector giving the best values of the criterion obtained for each cardinality. If improvement is TRUE, these values result from the final restricted local search algorithm (and may therefore exceed the largest value for that cardinality in values).


A length(kmin:kmax) x kmax matrix, giving, for each cardinality (rows), the variables (referenced by their row/column numbers in matrix mat) in the best k-subset that was found.


The function call which generated the output.


[1] Cadima, J., Cerdeira, J. Orestes and Minhoto, M. (2004) Computational aspects of algorithms for variable selection in the context of principal components. Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis, 47, 225-236.

[2] Cadima, J. and Jolliffe, I.T. (2001). Variable Selection and the Interpretation of Principal Subspaces, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, Vol. 6, 62-79.

[3] Duarte Silva, A.P. (2001) Efficient Variable Screening for Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 76, 35-62.

[4] Lawless, J. and Singhal, K. (1978). Efficient Screening of Nonnormal Regression Models, Biometrics, Vol. 34, 318-327.

See Also


## --------------------------------------------------------------------

## 1) For illustration of use, a small data set with very few iterations
## of the algorithm.  Escoufier's 'RV' criterion is used to select variable
## subsets of size 3 and 4.


## For cardinality k=
##[1] 4
## there is not enough genetic diversity in generation number 
##[1] 3
## for acceptable levels of consanguinity (couples differing by at least 2 genes).
## Try reducing the maximum acceptable number  of clones (maxclone) or 
## increasing the population size (popsize)
## Best criterion value found so far:
##[1] 0.9557145
##, , Card.3
##            Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4
##Solution 1      1     2     3     0
##Solution 2      1     2     3     0
##Solution 3      1     2     3     0
##Solution 4      3     4     6     0
##Solution 5      3     4     6     0
##Solution 6      3     4     5     0
##Solution 7      3     4     5     0
##Solution 8      1     3     6     0
##Solution 9      1     3     6     0
##Solution 10     1     3     6     0
##, , Card.4
##            Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4
##Solution 1      2     4     5     6
##Solution 2      1     2     5     6
##Solution 3      1     2     3     5
##Solution 4      1     2     4     5
##Solution 5      1     2     4     5
##Solution 6      1     4     5     6
##Solution 7      1     4     5     6
##Solution 8      1     4     5     6
##Solution 9      1     3     4     5
##Solution 10     1     3     4     5
##               card.3    card.4
##Solution 1  0.9141995 0.9557145
##Solution 2  0.9141995 0.9485699
##Solution 3  0.9141995 0.9455508
##Solution 4  0.9034868 0.9433203
##Solution 5  0.9034868 0.9433203
##Solution 6  0.9020271 0.9428967
##Solution 7  0.9020271 0.9428967
##Solution 8  0.8988192 0.9428967
##Solution 9  0.8988192 0.9357982
##Solution 10 0.8988192 0.9357982
##   Card.3    Card.4 
##0.9141995 0.9557145 
##       Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4
##Card.3     1     2     3     0
##Card.4     2     4     5     6
##genetic(mat = cor(swiss), kmin = 3, kmax = 4, popsize = 10, nger = 5, 
##    criterion = "Rv")

## --------------------------------------------------------------------

## 2) An example of subset selection in the context of Multiple Linear
## Regression. Variable 5 (average car price) in the Cars93 MASS library 
## data set is regressed on 13 other variables. The six-variable subsets 
## of linear predictors are chosen using the "CCR1_2" criterion which, 
## in the case of a Linear Regression, is merely  the standard Coefficient 
## of Determination, R^2 (as are the other three criteria for the
## multivariate linear hypothesis, "XI_2", "TAU_2" and "ZETA_2").

CarsHmat <- lmHmat(Cars93[,c(7:8,12:15,17:22,25)],Cars93[,5])

##  [1] "Price"


##  [1] ""           "MPG.highway"        "EngineSize"        
##  [4] "Horsepower"         "RPM"                "Rev.per.mile"      
##  [7] "Fuel.tank.capacity" "Passengers"         "Length"            
## [10] "Wheelbase"          "Width"              ""       
## [13] "Weight"            

genetic(CarsHmat$mat, kmin=6,  H=CarsHmat$H, r=1, crit="CCR12")

## (Partial results only)
## $subsets
##             Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4 Var.5 Var.6
## Solution 1      4     5     9    10    11    12
## Solution 2      4     5     9    10    11    12
## Solution 3      4     5     9    10    11    12
## Solution 4      4     5     9    10    11    12
## Solution 5      4     5     9    10    11    12
## Solution 6      4     5     9    10    11    12
## Solution 7      4     5     8    10    11    12
## (...)
## Solution 94      1     4     5     6    10    11
## Solution 95      1     4     5     6    10    11
## Solution 96      1     4     5     6    10    11
## Solution 97      1     4     5     6    10    11
## Solution 98      1     4     5     6    10    11
## Solution 99      1     4     5     6    10    11
## Solution 100     1     4     5     6    10    11
## $values
##   Solution 1   Solution 2   Solution 3   Solution 4   Solution 5   Solution 6 
##    0.7310150    0.7310150    0.7310150    0.7310150    0.7310150    0.7310150 
##   Solution 7   Solution 8   Solution 9  Solution 10  Solution 11  Solution 12 
##    0.7310150    0.7271056    0.7271056    0.7271056    0.7271056    0.7271056 
##  Solution 13  Solution 14  Solution 15  Solution 16  Solution 17  Solution 18 
##    0.7271056    0.7270257    0.7270257    0.7270257    0.7270257    0.7270257 
## (...)
##  Solution 85  Solution 86  Solution 87  Solution 88  Solution 89  Solution 90 
##    0.7228800    0.7228800    0.7228800    0.7228800    0.7228800    0.7228800 
##  Solution 91  Solution 92  Solution 93  Solution 94  Solution 95  Solution 96 
##    0.7228463    0.7228463    0.7228463    0.7228463    0.7228463    0.7228463 
##  Solution 97  Solution 98  Solution 99 Solution 100 
##    0.7228463    0.7228463    0.7228463    0.7228463 
## $bestvalues
##   Card.6 
## 0.731015 
## $bestsets
## Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4 Var.5 Var.6 
##     4     5     9    10    11    12 
## $call
## genetic(mat = CarsHmat$mat, kmin = 6, criterion = "CCR12", H = CarsHmat$H, 
##     r = 1)

## --------------------------------------------------------------------

## 3) An example of subset selection in the context of a Canonical
## Correlation Analysis. Two groups of variables within the Cars93
## MASS library data set are compared. The goal is to select 4- to
## 6-variable subsets of the 13-variable 'X' group that are optimal in
## terms of preserving the canonical correlations, according to the
## "ZETA_2" criterion (Warning: the 3-variable 'Y' group is kept
## intact; subset selection is carried out in the 'X' 
## group only).  The 'tolsym' parameter is used to relax the symmetry
## requirements on the effect matrix H which, for numerical reasons,
## is slightly asymmetric. Since corresponding off-diagonal entries of
## matrix H are different, but by less than tolsym, H is replaced  
## by its symmetric part: (H+t(H))/2.

CarsHmat <- lmHmat(Cars93[,c(7:8,12:15,17:22,25)],Cars93[,4:6])

## [1] "Min.Price" "Price"     "Max.Price"


##  [1] ""           "MPG.highway"        "EngineSize"        
##  [4] "Horsepower"         "RPM"                "Rev.per.mile"      
##  [7] "Fuel.tank.capacity" "Passengers"         "Length"            
## [10] "Wheelbase"          "Width"              ""       
## [13] "Weight"            

genetic(CarsHmat$mat, kmin=5, kmax=6, H=CarsHmat$H, r=3, crit="zeta2", tolsym=1e-9)

## $subsets
##             Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4 Var.5 Var.6
## Solution 1      4     5     9    10    11     0
## Solution 2      4     5     9    10    11     0
## Solution 3      4     5     9    10    11     0
## Solution 4      4     5     9    10    11     0
## Solution 5      4     5     9    10    11     0
## Solution 6      4     5     9    10    11     0
## Solution 7      4     5     9    10    11     0
## Solution 8      3     4     9    10    11     0
## Solution 9      3     4     9    10    11     0
## Solution 10     3     4     9    10    11     0
## (...)
## Solution 87      3     4     6     9    10    11
## Solution 88      3     4     6     9    10    11
## Solution 89      3     4     6     9    10    11
## Solution 90      2     3     4    10    11    12
## Solution 91      2     3     4    10    11    12
## Solution 92      2     3     4    10    11    12
## Solution 93      2     3     4    10    11    12
## Solution 94      2     3     4    10    11    12
## Solution 95      2     3     4    10    11    12
## Solution 96      2     3     4    10    11    12
## Solution 97      1     3     4     6    10    11
## Solution 98      1     3     4     6    10    11
## Solution 99      1     3     4     6    10    11
## Solution 100     1     3     4     6    10    11
## $values
##                 card.5    card.6
## Solution 1  0.5018922 0.5168627
## Solution 2  0.5018922 0.5168627
## Solution 3  0.5018922 0.5168627
## Solution 4  0.5018922 0.5168627
## Solution 5  0.5018922 0.5168627
## Solution 6  0.5018922 0.5168627
## Solution 7  0.5018922 0.5096500
## Solution 8  0.4966191 0.5096500
## Solution 9  0.4966191 0.5096500
## Solution 10 0.4966191 0.5096500
## (...)
## Solution 87  0.4893824 0.5038649
## Solution 88  0.4893824 0.5038649
## Solution 89  0.4893824 0.5038649
## Solution 90  0.4893824 0.5035489
## Solution 91  0.4893824 0.5035489
## Solution 92  0.4893824 0.5035489
## Solution 93  0.4893824 0.5035489
## Solution 94  0.4893824 0.5035489
## Solution 95  0.4893824 0.5035489
## Solution 96  0.4893824 0.5035489
## Solution 97  0.4890986 0.5035386
## Solution 98  0.4890986 0.5035386
## Solution 99  0.4890986 0.5035386
## Solution 100 0.4890986 0.5035386
## $bestvalues
##    Card.5    Card.6 
## 0.5018922 0.5168627 
## $bestsets
##        Var.1 Var.2 Var.3 Var.4 Var.5 Var.6
## Card.5     4     5     9    10    11     0
## Card.6     4     5     9    10    11    12
## $call
## genetic(mat = CarsHmat$mat, kmin = 5, kmax = 6, criterion = "zeta2", 
##     H = CarsHmat$H, r = 3, tolsym = 1e-09)
## Warning message:
##  The effect description matrix (H) supplied was slightly asymmetric: 
##  symmetric entries differed by up to 3.63797880709171e-12.
##  (less than the 'tolsym' parameter).
##  The H matrix has been replaced by its symmetric part.
##  in: validnovcrit(mat, criterion, H, r, p, tolval, tolsym) 

## The selected best variable subsets


## [1] "Horsepower" "RPM"        "Length"     "Wheelbase"  "Width"     


## [1] "Horsepower"  "RPM"         "Length"      "Wheelbase"   "Width"      
## [6] ""

## --------------------------------------------------------------------


Selecting Variable Subsets

GPL (>= 2)
Jorge Orestes Cerdeira [aut], Pedro Duarte Silva [aut], Jorge Cadima [aut, cre], Manuel Minhoto [aut]
Initial release

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